57[I Know]

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3rd person pov

It was storming outside it knocked out the power, it went out about 10 minutes ago, and Harry's just taking it as ambience to get a good nights sleep it's only 7 it'll be the earliest he's slept in years but what else is there to do?

His phone rang he rolled over the dim light from his phone lighting up the pitch black room "hello?" He answered

"Hey Harry" Alexis greeted "would you happen to have any candles or anything?"

"Uh Yeah I might you need 'em?" He sat up in bed

"Yes please Evelyn is a little freaked out the power went out while she was watching something  in her bed and it scared the daylights out of her I don't have any candles and my flashlight can only last so long"

Harry nodded "yeah give me a second I'll be right over" he hung up he found 3 candles and put them in a Walmart bag he pulled on a shirt and a pair of jeans tossed over the end of his bed he put on flip flops he jogged over to her house

The door was unlocked and he stepped right in shaking out his wet hair running his hand through it he'd only been out there a max of 30 seconds but it didn't look like it he was soaked

Alexis was sitting on the sofa she had Evelyn on her lap who was gripping a flashlight for dear life "Hey Eve you okay?"

"HARRY" she screamed and jumped off Alexis's lap she ran to him hugging him

He picked her up putting her on his hip "you're okay" he pushed her bangs back from her eyes "you're alright" he hugged her she nuzzled onto his neck wrapping her arms around his arm "I brought some candles for you eve" he reassured her

"Now you've got a candle darling you've got to go to bed now no excuses" Alexis walked over holding the flashlight

Evelyn leaned away "you staying here Harry?" Her little bottom lip puffed out slightly in a pout

He nodded "yeah sweetie I'll stay"

She nodded "okay I'll go to bed"

They walked up to her room he laid her in her bed and pulled out a candle he put it on her dresser and lit it with the lighter he brought Alexis turned off her flashlight "how's that?" Alexis asked kissing her forehead

"Better fank you" she mumbled "fank you Harry"

"It's no problem sweetie" he walked over "I'll see you in the mornin'"

She nodded "yeah" Alexis kissed her one more time whispering how much she loved her until Evelyn was calm enough to close her eyes Alexis and Harry stepped out together as Alexis silently closed her door

"Thanks again" Alexis smiled he shook his head

"Really it's fine" he followed her into her bedroom

"Can you put one of those in the bathroom? I've gotta shower" she asked opening the bathroom door as he lit a candle putting it on her dresser

"Only if I can shower with you darlin'"

"Deal" She hummed as he stepped in lighting the last candle setting it on the sink counter

She undressed slowly he followed suit "how've you been Baby?"

It's been about 3 days since they really gotten to see each other ,other than blowing some kisses as they see each other in the opposite driveway and late night texting

"Good I've missed you" she turned on the water leaning on the wall watching him

"I've missed you too" he threw his boxers over his jeans making them both bare

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