48[We All Know]

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3rd person pov

Harry pulled up at Matt and Macy's house in Alexis's car "We're here Punkin!" Alexis cheered

"Yayyyyy!" Evelyn yelled wiggling in her seat

Harry just grinned at her excitement he got out and Alexis had already gone about unbuckling Evelyn once she was out she took off skipping to the front door Harry waited for Alexis holding his hand out to her as she rounded the car

She took his hand smiling he loved the outfit she was in it was nothing but a black tube top and skinny jeans but he found it so sexy

The door opened just as they made it to the doorstep Alexis let go of his hand to hug Macy then Matt Harry just waved to them both

They stepped on the girls spotted Adrain on the rug playing Evelyn ran over and plopped down next to him Alexis followed behind she grabbed his chin giving him a great big kiss on the cheek "hi little man" she cooed he giggled at her

"He adores you Alexis how sweet!" Macy awed

"All children love Alexis" Harry commented then noticed all eyes on him so he just clammed up

Matt nodded "Phil is bringing Remi's kids too"

"Oh more babies?!" Alexis squeaked looking at Harry with big doe eyes

"Uh twin 4 year olds and a 14 year old" Harry shrugged

"Oh perfect the twins and Evelyn can play" Alexis stood up "so what's for dinner guys? Need any help?" She asked dusting off her hands

"No, well... I mean you could help make the drinks while I plate the food the boys are just up the road" Macy smiled

"Yeah of course" she chirped following Macy into the kitchen

Matt looked at Harry they had the living room to themselves "were you holding her hand?"

Harry looked at him "was I?" He turned and walked toward the kitchen to help make drinks

Phil pulled up Matt opened the door and the twins ran in instantly finding the other 2 kids and Avery took one glance off her phone screen then walked to the first chair she saw

The table was getting set by the other 3 but the first one to turn around was Alexis she set down the last cup and walked over "Hi guys I'm Alexis!" She greeted holding out a hand seeing the new couple

Phil hesitated but Remi grabbed her hand giving it a firm shake "I'm Remi that's my kids Avery, Donny, and Duke" he pointed to each

"Awww Duke how cute" She gushed "that's my little girl Evelyn" she pointed

"How cute is she!?" Remi stepped right through her and Phil to go meet her

"Hi" Alexis greeted Phil specifically "I'm Alexis" she held a hand out he took it but shook his head

"I'm sorry but who are you?"

Alexis shrugged "I'm a friend of Macy's from high school" then added "Harry and I are also friends"

He realized quickly this was the girl Harry was so enamored with "oh right yeah sorry" he laughed

"No problem" she shook her head she jumped a little as Harry stepped up behind her his arm grazing her back she laughed "you scared me"

He laughed back at her little yelp and jump "wasn't trying to" he looked at Phil "hey man, foods done" the boys went and sat Alexis went to grab Evelyn informing Remi dinner was ready so he could gather his kids

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