3[Rainy Day]

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Alexis's pov

I hurried to load up my car getting my groceries in the trunk as I got pelted with rain I am so happy I didn't have Evelyn with me I don't want her to catch cold ,Sam has her for the day

Everything was in I ran and put the basket on one of those pins with all the other baskets and ran back to my car I hopped in I took a second to catch my breath I pulled down my mirror to look at what a mess I am

I pulled my hair down and put it into a high bun I smiled and flipped it back up I pulled out and started for home

As I turned in to the neighborhood I saw a guy running he was completely soaked I got closer and I was pretty sure it's my neighbor I rolled my window down "HARRY!" He turned

"YOU WANT A RIDE?" I yelled over the rain

He looked down the sidewalk then back at me he's got at least another 5 minutes before he reaches home I smiled when he ran over I rolled up the window as he got in

"Thanks" he mumbled

"No problem" I shrugged

He ran a hand through his hair getting it out of his face

"How long were you out there for?" I asked he really looked like he stepped right out of a pool

"About 8 minutes I didn't check the weather before my run" he peeled off his shirt and I couldn't help but glance I saw a lot of tattoos ,I'd seen them before of course when I first met him, but I tried not to stare I noticed he was wearing the same sliver chain necklace as then too

It got quiet- it wasn't a bad kinda quiet but I really wanted to talk to him he seemed like a cool guy ,but maybe I'm just a sucker for tattoos

"Where do you run?" I asked glancing at him

"I run to the end of the sidewalk" I furrowed my eyebrows the side walk ends in front of a whole different neighborhood that's at least 6 miles

"Wow" I mumbled I pulled up at my house not even 2 minutes later and popped my trunk

"You need help?" I was a bit surprised he offered I turned back to look at him

"It's just groceries" I shrugged he nodded

"Then I'll help" he got out and I got out I grabbed a few bags and he grabbed a lot more than I did I ran to my front door hurrying to unlock it I opened it and lead him to the kitchen setting everything down on the counter he stepped back out before I did I got to the door but my trunk was already closed and he had the last few bags

I stepped out of the way following him back to the kitchen he had his wet shirt over his shoulder "can I offer you a drink? Something to eat? A towel?" I smiled

He shook his head "I should go"

"You sure? Really I'll make you anything you like" I started to unbag everything looking at him over my shoulder as he leaned against my counter

"Do you have tea?" He mumbled

I furrowed my eyebrows "tea?" I bit my lip and walked to my pantry "I don't drink tea but I think I have a box in here for friends and family" I found it and pulled out a packet "I have earl grey"

He stared for a second then nodded I pulled out a mug and filled it with water from the fridge I put it in my microwave setting it for a minute

"You're already all moved in aren't you?"

I turned back to face him now we were on opposite sides of the kitchen directly across from each other leaning on the counter he laid his shirt over the edge of my sink "uh yeah mostly... honestly didn't have much stuff my last place was really small" I shrugged "I still gotta hang pictures and shit" I curse a lot and figured he wouldn't be the kinda person that would mind

"Why'd you move here?" He asked and the microwave beeped I took the mug out I opened the tea bag dunking it in I grabbed the handle picking up trying to not get burned on the hot glass but as I looked up Harry was only an inch or so from me he took the mug in his hand he didn't even flinch at the heat he took a sip watching me over the brim he has this stern focused face that wasn't mad particularly but almost like he was irritated permanently

he cocked an eyebrow "you didn't answer me" he said with a slight uppity tone

I did the motion to tuck my bang behind my ear but I forgot my hair was tied up ,including my bang, "my cousin lives a few doors down" I then added "and I was getting away from a shitty ex" I crossed my arms if he's around enough he'll hear me complain about Sam eventually so why not just put it out there

He just sipped and looked at me I started to wonder if something was on my face I held contact wondering what the hell he was thinking "your eyes are beautiful" he hummed very softly I looked down a bit

"Oh thank you" I had yellow green eyes I take pride in them it's one of my best features

"How old are you?" I didn't expect so many questions out of him I looked up at him again ,he's a good 3 or 4 inches taller than me

"I'm 22" I bit my lip "what about you?"


His hair had started to dry just a bit it looked like it's starting to curl up a touch I loved the cut it's a shaggy longer top cut with just simple shorter sides I examined his face he stared at me why should I be ashamed to look him over? He has green eyes a bright leafy kinda green, he has hollowish cheeks I think because he's so skinny he's a lean muscular guy with a waist smaller than I've ever had, his jaw that looked fine when I say fine I mean if I ran my finger along his jaw I wouldn't be surprised if I cut my finger wouldn't be mad either, he is broad his shoulders are wide and it fit so well it almost made up for his lankiness

I'm not going to lie this man before me ,man used lightly in place of god like figure, was boyfriend gold in my books he had the curly hair, the tattoos, the lanky yet muscular build, and he's older

Then my eyes traveled to his hands and I stood a bit straighter

It's weird but I really like hands that's kinda my non-sexual sexual thing if that makes sense?

His hands... he could choke me right here and now and I'd thank him

"You're blushing" I snapped my eyes back up to his

"Am I?" I didn't confirm or deny it

He set the mug down next to me "the rain is dying down I better go"

"Okay thank you for the help"

"Same to you" he walked himself out

I blinked a few times and shook my head going back to the food stuffs I put everything up and grabbed the mug throwing the tea bag away I set it in the sink and picked up what Harry left

His shirt was just sitting here still sopping wet

I'll throw it in the wash and give it to him later

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