67[Not So Lonely]

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Alexis's pov

Finally I heard a car pull up "that would be Sam" I sighed he was 3 hours late picking up Evelyn I went to put down the pants I was sewing

"I've got it!" Harry called out he came out from down the hall his hair still wet from his shower he picked up Evelyn's bag "come on doll" he held a hand to her

"Bye mommy I love you" she gave me a hug I kissed her head

"Bye punkin I love you be a good girl call me if you need me darling"

She skipped over to Harry hugging his leg

I looked back down at the pants ,they are Harry's pants he ripped one of his back pockets half way off, as I listened

"Oh where's Sam?"

"He said he didn't feel well" that'd be Sam's mother

"Okay, bye Eve I love you" I heard him kiss her cheek a few seconds later there was a dip in the sofa

"Mm thank you for fixing my jeans Baby girl" I shrugged my shoulder as I felt his lips against my neck

"No problem" I bit my lip as he kissed my neck rather roughly

I tilted my head my eyes fluttering closed he was humming softly as he sucked at my skin

I jolted and gasped "AH shit!" I shook out my hand I poked myself with my needle a tiny bead of blood formed I put my finger in my mouth

He chuckled "be careful Baby pay attention" he can be so damn smug

I heard my phone I leaned over the armrest grabbing it I took my finger from my mouth and answered "hello?"

"Ms.Kinley? Alexis Kinley?"

"yes who is this?"

"My name is Dr.Peterson I ran your DNA test"

I looked at Harry motioning him closer "oh okay well?" Harry put his ear to the phone

"The results are in" I bit my lip "Mr.Dean Geairo is your father ma'am I have already called and told him" I put a hand over my mouth "ma'am?"

"Y-yes, yes thank you" he said something else but I couldn't really listen he hung up and I put my phone down

"You okay princess?" Harry rubbed my shoulders

I teared up a little "I have a father"

He nodded "yeah baby yeah you do" he smiled and pulled me for a hug


(A few days later)

We pulled up at the address Dean gave me Harry had to drive because I was trembling I'm so nervous

We're going for a family dinner, yes family as in I guess my dad, stepbrother, and stepmom... mmm that didn't sound right I'm so not used to family

"Are you okay?" He asked as he put the car in park he rubbed my thigh

I nodded "yeah" I smiled I was clutching my stomach

"Do you need a minute?" He saw right through me I nodded again I closed my eyes taking a deep breath "take your time princess" he cooed

After a few deep breaths I opened my eyes and looked at him "I'm ready" he nodded he gave me a sweet passionate kiss

We all got out and call me cheesy but I made sure our outfits matched I had Evelyn in a deep red dress, I'm wearing a deep red blouse and black pants, and Harry's wearing a deep red button up shirt as well as black pants

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