69[Might as Well Live Here]

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Harry's pov

I pulled up into my driveway parking my car I crossed the grass median between my house and Alexis's I unlocked the door stepping in

I locked it behind me I saw a canvas propped up on the wall I stopped it was a skeleton hand on a watercolor background it's very Alexis

I peeked into the kitchen Evelyn must've just got out the bath her hair was wet Alexis was washing her hands "no you like tuna casserole" Alexis said looking down at Evelyn

"I do?"

Alexis nodded "yeah punkin you just haven't had it in awhile"

"It smells great" both girls turned



Evelyn ran over and hugged my leg Alexis walked over and gave me a kiss "mmm hey how was work?" Alexis asked sweetly after her loving kiss

"Good" I picked up Evelyn "you had a good day with uncles?"

She nodded "yessss! We went to the park today"

I nodded "that sounds fun" Alexis started to make the plates "go sit" I set her down she ran off I hugged Alexis from behind "I saw your picture"

"Yeah?" She smiled "what'd you think?" She looked at me over her shoulder

"It's great as usual" I kissed her cheek and grabbed the plates bringing them to the table Alexis joined a minute or so later with drinks

We ate after dinner I showered I pulled on boxers and walked back out the girls were watching the power puff girls together before Evelyn went to bed I walked over and plopped myself down next to them Evelyn crawled over into my lap

"Can you braid my hair?" Evelyn asked

"I can't braid ask mummy"

She frowned "mommy can teach you"

"Or... mummy can braid your hair" that is just the simplest solution

Evelyn pet my leg "is okay not knowing how I still think it's hard too but mommy can help, she super duper good at it"

Why do I feel like I'm having an intervention? "I mean..." I kinda laughed "I guess" I looked at Alexis who was laughing too "think you can teach me?"

"You wanna learn?" I shrugged She smiled "really?"

I nodded "yeah"

"Go run and grab 2 rubber bands V" Alexis told Evelyn she ran off Alexis grabbed my face and pulled me for a kiss

I groaned and grabbed her neck holding her in place I moaned softly "damn Baby" I whined

"Heeeeah" Evelyn squeaked bounced in front of us holding up 2 rubber bands I frowned letting go of Alexis she picked up Evelyn and set her between us she parted her hair into 2 sides "this is your side"

I grabbed it "okay now make 3 sections" I watched her hands closely as she made 3 pieces I made mine it was a lot messier than hers though "take your right piece cross it over the middle piece but under the end piece"

I looked between my hands and hers checking I was doing the right thing "now take that end piece bring it to the middle" I furrowed my eyebrows


"Literally just move the piece to the middle" Alexis showed me again I did it I felt like I was dropping hair "now that right piece, piece closest to me, bring that over your new middle piece"

I did it Alexis nodded "great okay so now take that other end piece bring it over that middle piece ,the middle piece you just made" she paused to let me copy "now just repeat that" after that she very fluidly braided all the way down way too fast for me to follow

I could tell I was dropping pieces of hair I paused "uh shit wait what piece was I on?"

"This one" Alexis tapped it "move it over the middle" I got to the end I held it in one hand and I do know how to tie a rubber band so I did that I looked at my braid then Alexis's I frowned

"Mine looks like crap"

Alexis giggled "it looks good for your first try"

Evelyn reached around grabbing it she pulled it around herself looking at the end of it "it okay daddy you did your bestest" she gave me a big cheesy smile

I'm being patronized by a toddler

Alexis grabbed it "it's good Babe, I'm going to fix it just watch" she undid it redoing it tightly and neatly like her side

"You're really good" I nodded

Alexis laughed "I had to teach myself" she kissed Evelyn head "last episode V then you have to go to bed"

We put Evelyn to bed together we each gave her a kiss and told her good night when we got into Alexis's room she crawled into bed watching me follow suit

I crawled on behind her stripping to nothing I got under her blanket pulling her against me "mm you've still got some paint on you" I poked the back of her arm

She furrowed her eyebrows and lifted her arm twisting it around trying to see it she was failing miserably I laughed I grabbed her arm I rubbed my thumb over it making it wipe off she giggled "thank you"

"No problem" I wrapped my arm around her waist rubbing her hip she leaned over and turned off her lamp "your bed is so comfy" I whispered

"Well you sleep in it enough to know" she turned to face me "you might as well live here"

I laughed "you're probably right the only time I sleep in my bed is the weekends when you come to my house" I tucked her bangs back behind her ear

"You did do a really good job babe, with that braid, I am proud of you"

I chuckled rolling my eyes "it was a mediocre braid you can't be that proud"

She shook her head "it wasn't just how it looked... you took it seriously you really tried" she shrugged shyly "you tried because Evelyn wanted you to" she put her hand on my cheek "you're a great guy"

I put my hand over hers "you're so sweet to me princess" she always praises me for little things and it makes me feel great like I'm on top of the world "I love you"

She leaned closer and kissed me lazily "I love you"

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