85[Double trouble]

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Harry's pov

I laid our breakfast on the tray 2 plates of eggs, grits, and sausage then with 2 glass of orange juice

Her prenatal vitamin chilling next to her glass

I got up made some breakfast fed Evelyn and got her bus this morning I feel like the most accomplished father

When I got back home ,to Alexis's house, I made our breakfast today is going to be a big day for Alexis it's her 5 month appointment we see gender today and I make sure she is now getting monthly appointments

I laid the tray on my side of the bed "Baby girl" I whispered I leaned over and kissed her cheek rubbing her bump "princess wake up Baby" she whined

"I sleeping babe" she murmured lazily

"I'm sorry Baby but you've got your appointment soon you've got to wake up" I don't blame her for wanting to sleep in on her day off

"Okay" she huffed and rolled over toward me "what's that?" She pointed to the tray

"Breakfast we're going to eat together before we go" I sat down scooting against her helping her sit herself up too

She's very... pregnant I mean like her stomach is big NOT FAT but big it's weird 1 little Baby would make her so big pregnant so fast but I think she had a big belly with Evelyn too

We ate together "Im excited princess what about you?"

She nodded smiling "yeah" she took a big bite of eggs "this is so good daddy" I love her praise

"Thank you" I kissed her

When it came time to get ready I bought her some maturity clothes a few days ago so I convinced her to wear a maternity shirt that fit her not a sweater or a sweatshirt she was still wearing leggings which is completely understandable

We got in my car "Harry?"


"I'm really really really craving a coke icee" she played with her fingernails

"Okay we'll get one" she was only now starting to tell me when she craved things I'm pumped about it because I love when I get her what she wants then she gets all happy 'n blushy she showers me with kisses and praise I honestly can't get enough of it

I stopped and ran it a gas station I got her a large coke icee and stepped out I could see her as soon as I exited the store god she was smiling like a little kid on Christmas I hopped in the car passing it to her

"AH YOURE THE BESTEST BABY DADDY EVER" she leaned over kissing all over my face "I love you I love you I love you!"

I chuckled "I love you more Baby girl"

"I'll let you win cause you got me an icee" she giggled pink cheeked and playful

We pulled up at the clinic I held her hand as we got out she checked herself in then came to sit next to me I rubbed her bump Alexis smiled at me

"Kinley!" We got up and walked back Alexis sat on the table I just stood next to her the doctor came in "we haven't seen you for a few months huh?"

"Yeah" Alexis looked at me I just smiled I don't want to upset her

"You were 3 weeks when you came last so... have you been somewhere else since then?"


"Mm alright" she sounded very judgmental "so you're 5 months now we should be able to see gender if everything is looking good" she laid down the folder

She pulled on gloves Alexis rolled up her shirt the doctor rubbed gel on her lower stomach and used that little wand

I looked at the screen trying to read the black and white

I tilted my head furrowing my eyebrows it's a weird like grainy image I've never seen an ultra sound before I don't know how I'm supposed to be making things out

"Well would you look at that?" The doctor tapped the screen There were little blobs, more specifically 2 little blobs

"Twins!" The doctor looked back at us

I felt Alexis grab my hand I looked down at her then back at the screen "Harry" she whispered
I stared for a moment just to process


"Baby" I squeezed her hand "I don't know what to say" I mumbled I had to show her I wasn't upset because I wasn't I was just speechless

"you're okay?" She whispered

"More than okay princess" I kissed her pushing her baby doll bangs out of her eyes I smiled she smiled back at me

"You do want the genders right?" The doctor asked we both looked back at the screen

"Yes please" Alexis nodded

"Well Baby number 1 here that's a little boy and Baby number 2 that seems to be a little girl"

"A boy and a girl" Alexis repeated a big smile consumed her face

The doctor printed the pictures she pulled out a sharpie writing on them she handed them to Alexis "are you making an appointment for next month?"

"Yes" I answered glancing down seeing the film had baby 1-Boy baby 2-Girl written on them

"Good the girls up front will help you, I'm happy to meet you both" she passed me some paper towels "that's to wipe her stomach" I wiped her stomach for her

"Thanks" she left and Alexis sat up pulling her shirt down

"Look it's a little hand" she pointed to it with the tip of her nail

"Yeah I see it" I nodded "her little nose" I chuckled pointing to what I could make out as a nose

"So precious" we walked out together and I set the appointment

"Im gunna send the pictures to dad can I send them to your mom too?" She asked as we got back in the car

Now that's the proud mama I'm used to "yeah please" I nodded

"We've got to get another crib and more clothes..." she trailed off as she took pictures

"We will we've got time love don't stress"

She shook her head "I'm not" she texted smiling at her phone "I hope your mom can come see them when they are born"

"You know she will even if she has to swim here" I joked

"Oh she's already answered she said Oh my beautiful grandbabies with like 7 exclamation marks" she giggled

"Good What about your dad?"

"No answer yet but I'll let you know"

"Do you wanna tell everyone now? I mean Max and Brent and josh still don't know your pregnant..."

She laid her phone on her lap "I-I'll tell them soon"

I frowned at that answer I sighed "okay Baby"

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