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3rd person pov

Alexis waved as Macy pulled up into the spot next to her

Alexis and Macy are having a shopping day some shops in the mall by them are closing down so it's all on sale

Alexis got her stroller out before getting Evelyn out Alexis let Evelyn buckle herself Alexis grabbed the stuffed power puff girl doll giving it to her and the little etch-a-Sketch she had been playing with

"Thank you mummy!" She shook it and started a new drawing

"No problem punkin"

Macy rolled over Adrain was eating some veggie straws "ready?"

Alexis nodded locking her car "lets go"

"Guess what Matt did the other day" Macy said nudging Alexis

Alexis giggled "oh what?"

"He was playing with Adrian while I was cooking okay? So they are playing doing whatever it gets kinda quiet... so I was like Whaaat? I catch him asking Adrian If he wanted a sibling" Macy hit the handle of her stroller "he said 'do you want a brother? Or maybe a sister mm?' He doesn't know that I know he said that sooo I'm just gunna till he says something"

Alexis shook her head "do you want another kid?"

"Yeah I do but I wanna wait till Adrian is older like 4 or 5 just a little toddler and a baby I couldn't do it"

Alexis nodded "yeah totally" she shrugged "I'd love to have another baby" she said dreamily "I want 4 kids"

"3 is enough for me but Matt told me he only wanted 1" she rolled her eyes playfully "how many does Harry want?"

Alexis laughed "none"

Macy scoffed "excuse me Harry aka daddy dearest is obsessed with Evelyn, he wants kids"

Alexis shook her head "I dunno Macy" she sighed "I love him and I guess he's a enough of a baby for me" she tried to play it off Macy rolled with it

"Awe" she laughed they rolled into the children's store they thought it would be fun to shop for each other's kids since they never get to shop for the opposite gender

"Oh Evelyn needs this" Macy held up a bright pink fluffy dress Evelyn ewwed

"Maybe not so much pink Macy she kinda doesn't like pink" Alexis laughed

Macy gasped "what kinda little girl doesn't like pink?!"

"My little girl" Alexis pet her head

Macy pouted and put the dress back Alexis pulled out some overalls "look at these!" There were little lion patches over the knees and the pocket said Rawr Macy took it

"I loooove that" she hung it on the handle "I've got it this time!" Macy held up a pair of sparkly pants

"Oh totally" Alexis took them putting them on her handle

After they left the children's clothing they went to a women's store that had undergarments on sale

Alexis's phone buzzed

Daddy's phone:hey princess so I'm thinking meatball subs tonight what do ya think?

Me:sounds yummy do you need me stop at the store to get anything?

Daddy's phone:no Baby girl it's your day off just chill

Me:Aww daddy aren't you so sweet?

Daddy's phone:if I wasn't at work right now I would have called you and asked you what color panties you were wearing ;)

Me:Yeah that's more like it haha

Daddy's phone: sooo what color?

Alexis rolled her eyes then looked around she pulled down the side of her pants to double check


Daddy's phone:oh the ones that have the rhinestones that make cherries on the front?

Me:yes you freak how do you know that?

Daddy's phone:I didn't know but those are my favorite cute ones

"Oh daddy huh?"

Alexis jumped and put her phone to her chest Macy was looking over her shoulder "you nasty bitch" Macy picked at Alexis

Alexis clicked her phone off "You got that right" she winked

They both got a few things ,Alexis was excited to show them off

They stepped out "Pezel!"

They both looked at Adrian "what boo?" Macy asked

"Pezel Pezel I wanna Pezel!" He bounced in his stroller

They looked up "oh pretzel!" Alexis pointed toward the big soft pretzel sign

"Oh you wanna pretzel boo?"

He nodded "yum muma"

"Oh can I have one too mommy?" Evelyn asked

"Yeah I'm getting one too" they all walked over the kids got soft pretzel bites and the girls got regular soft pretzels and Alexis ordered an extra one for Harry

They walked kinda aimlessly as they ate "mm sooo good" Macy moaned

Alexis nodded dipping hers into cheese dip

"Well well well" Alexis jumped as someone grabbed her shoulder she turned

"look who I found" Sam smirked

Alexis swallowed and put her pretzel down "you found me? Were you looking for me?"

"No but I'm not mad about it" he looked down at Evelyn who moved her cup of pretzels from the left cup holder to the right cup holder (away from him)

He looked back at Alexis "whatcha doing here mm?"

"I'm shopping with Macy" Alexis pointed to Macy "she was our friend in high school" she raised her eyebrows because he obviously knew her

Sam nodded to her "anyway" he bluntly looked at her backside in the black yoga pants she was wearing "you're lookin good"

Alexis turned so be face to face with him "I'm sorry do you need something? Or are you just bothering me because you want to?"

He shook his head "no Melonie wanted to come here so I tagged along"

Alexis shook her head "okay bye" she waved him off and started walking but he followed

"Don't be so cold kitty cat" Alexis froze in her tracks

"Kitty cat?" She questioned he hasn't called her kitty cat since before she was pregnant that was her pet name he gave her in high school

He nodded "yeah what? You used to love when I called you that" he shrugged

She furrowed her eyebrows "what's-"

"SAMMMY oh I thought I lost you!" Melonie ran up hugging his arm she looked at Alexis and pursed her lips "oh she's bothering you isn't she Sammy?" Melonie leaned up and kissed his cheek she waved to Evelyn who blatantly ignored her existence

Alexis shook her head bewildered with the situation she went to walk away again but Sam grabbed her arm roughly leaning down to her ear

"Id love to make you purr" he winked and walked off with Melonie

That was their slang for adult fun

The thought of that with him it made Alexis gag Macy asked what he said

She whined "He said he wanted to make me purr, I was eating man! I lost my appetite"

She frowned deeply "ew me too"

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