8[Lonely Loner]

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3rd person pov

Harry sighed heavily he groaned and gave up on buttoning his shirt leaving it half undone

He sat on his bed "why? Why did I agree to this bullshit?" He rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands

His phone buzzed

He was late, he promised Wayne he'd go to the club with the guys but he was really starting to regret it

He pushed himself out of bed angrily slamming his bedroom door walking down the stairs with an extra loud thud with each step he exited his house slamming that door as well

Harry liked his friends (why else would he be friends with them?) but they are really and truly grade A assholes Wayne, Wyatt, and Ronnie are friends out of habituation co-works and ex co-works Harry was really only friends with them because had to nice and work with them but over time he tolerated them a lot more than just people he had to work around

Harry does have friends ,like actual ones, that would be Phil and Matt 2 friends he made here in high school but they aren't going

Matt has a wife and a kid and Phil has a nice job for the government testing programs and running security checks they've got better things to do than bum around with low lifers like this misfit gang and Harry accepted that probably more than they did

He pulled up at the club Harry hadn't been apart of their weekly ritual of hitting the club every Friday for months now and it still wasn't long enough for him he hadn't full recuperated from the last time

He got out and nodded to the bouncer ,who knew the faces of his friends all too well, he stepped in and went to the same booth they always go to and it was full Wyatt brought his girl Tiffany

"AYE HARRY LAD WE THOUGHT YOU BAILED" Wayne yelled Harry slid in and threw up his hands

"Im here" he elevated his voice so he could be heard over the music he forced a smile "Ronnie, Wyatt, uh Tiffany right?"

She nodded "wow long time no see Haz" she smiled

The nickname made his smile flinch "Harry" he sat back "well I'm here what do you want with me?"

"we wanna sacrifice you to the gods of fun" Ronnie laughed "bro just get fucked up I'm getting shit faced and stumbling home to my new girl"

"New girl?" Ronnie is the ex co-worker so Harry didn't get all his news from him but through Wayne "who?"

"Lizzie met her here mmm little over 4 weeks ago... great in bed body a 7, face a 6, and just made 21" so average? Why didn't he just say that?

"Sounds nice"

"OH MAN" Harry jumped when Wayne wrapped his arm around him jostling "just us man! us the single guys!" He laughed and finished his bottle he paused and turned the bottle upside down almost like he was confused why liquid wasn't coming out "I'll get us beers" Harry slipped out letting him stumble off

"Still single really?" Tiffany asked

Harry nodded and sat back down "yes"

"Mm I woulda figured some girl got her claws into you, you're so cute I-" Wyatt shut her up with a kiss

Harry rolled his eyes he didn't even recognize anything that was playing either he put his hand on his chest grabbing his necklace he tugged it a little just wanting to do something other than sit here and space out

"BEERS!" A beer was shoved in Harry's face he grabbed it with an annoyed face and took a sip "let's find us some babes what do you say? Hit the dance floor for the prowl?" Harry stood Wayne took that for a silent yes

"Mmm I wanna dance!" Tiffany whined wiggling free of her intense make out with Wyatt

"Just a few more minutes Tiff" Wyatt growled and pulled her back to kissing him

Harry took off with Wayne looking for anyone that could catch his eye

They weaseled through looking around Wayne went deeper into the pit of sweaty drunk people  filled with alcohol induced hormones while Harry choose to stay near the perimeter of the dance floor then after not seeing anyone of interest on his third go-round he leaned against the wall

He sipped his beer dwelling on how ready his was to crawl into his bed and not do this a hand went on his shoulder he looked down at the hand then to its wrist following up the arm to Tiffany "what?"

"Wyatt had to go piss" she shrugged

"Mm" he hummed looking back at the herd

"Can't find a girl to dance with?" He shook his head still well aware of the fact her hand was still on his shoulder "well I could be a stand in"

"I'm not on the dance floor for a reason" he hinted but she didn't care she rubbed down his arm and attempted to grab his hand which he quickly snatched from her "back off Tiff"

"Listen I just wanna dance" she pouted

"Then pick any other guy in here to do it with not me, what about your boyfriend maybe?" He said being rather snippy

She sighed then smiled wickedly "maybe a little persuasion?" She turned and pressed her backside into him

He shoved her off not hard enough to knock her down but hard enough she had to stumble forward "get off me" he growled

"HEY THATS MY GIRL!" Wyatt ran over seeing Harry push Tiffany he grabbed her yanking her to his chest

"Yeah I thought so too" Harry downed the last of his beer and sighed "I'm outta here"

"You think you can just shove my girl then just walk off?!" Wyatt grabbed his shoulder Harry squinted looking down at his hand

"I think it's best if I go" Harry squeezed his wrist and threw Wyatt's arm off him "you don't even know what happened so best we don't start anything"

"BASTARD" Wyatt threw a punch it hit Harry in his cheek Harry growled and punched him back his head went flying Wyatt fell back into Ronnie before trying to stand back up continue fighting he kicked and threw his bottle at Harry "go fuck yourself!"

"I don't need to do that when your girl is more than willing to fuck me" Harry laughed flipping him off

"FUCKER!" Wyatt broke free from Ronnie and swung Harry ducked then decked him again this hit got him though Wyatt dropped

"Had a great time tonight lads" Harry smirked sarcasm poisoning his words "but uh don't think I'll be doing this again for awhile" he turned and walked off ignoring all else that may have been directed at him

He got in his car he smiled, at least he won't have to do that again

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