80[I Didn't Want This]

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Harry's pov

I had to wait till Wednesday

Alexis worked during the day and I was nightshift I couldn't catch her

She didn't answer the phone and she wouldn't text me back

But it's Tuesday night she's off tomorrow and I will confront her I will get answers

I knocked on her door crossing my arms waiting for an answer after about a minute I knocked again my last resort was to let myself in I still have her key but I didn't want to let myself in and make what's about to happen any worse

Just as I was about to unlock her door she opened it I grabbed the door knob holding it "we need to talk" I started

"About what?" She mumbled

I shook my head "you know what"

She shook her head "I don't that's why I asked"

I rolled my jaw at that smart ass remark "about why you've been wearing all these baggy clothes"

She took her hand away from her door and stepped back I stepped in closing the door behind me "so were you just not going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?" She continued to play dumb


She rolled her jaw "I tried to tell you"

"When?" I spat

"When you were in prison I tried to come see you I came to the prison the day I found out but you wouldn't see me"

I shook my head "that's not fair! That's not fair and you know it"

"Well life's not fair!" She sassed

I rolled my jaw I stepped closer to her backing her up against the wall "you're pregnant with my child and your girlfriend had to tell me, FUCKING BEVERLY HAD TO TELL ME IM A FATHER!!" I yelled

She put her hands on my chest "calm down"

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN" I yelled then scoffed "were you going to tell me?"

"Yes" she nodded

"When?" I growled


"SOON FUCKING SOON THATS THE BEST YOU HAVE ALEXIS?! SOON!!" I clenched my fist flexing my hands I felt like I was about to loose my mind I started to laugh I just couldn't control myself I put my hands on either side of her pressing my body against her so she couldn't avoid me "when is soon? Mm?" I leaned down to her face as I asked

"Harry please..." she murmured she wouldn't look at me

I grabbed her jaw and forced her to look at me "answer me! When is fucking soon huh?!"

I frowned deeply I realized she was shaking her eyes were wide but looked glazed over her lips were slightly parted her bottom lip trembled ever so slightly

It hit me I know she has some kind of PTSD and I think I triggered something FUCK

I put my hand on her cheek gently  "hey hey hey" I cooed "you okay? Baby? Baby you alright?"

Her breathing was off I watched as tears started to form in her eyes  as she looked right through me

I gasped "princess oh my god I'm sorry" I backed up giving her space I cupped her face I wiped her tears as I rubbed the apples of her cheeks "Baby girl" I whispered she wouldn't look at me

"It's okay it's okay you're safe" I reassured her "you are safe you are okay I'm so so sorry I scared you" she finally looked into my eyes "I'm so sorry" I licked my lips "are you alright?" She nodded limply

I pulled her for a loose hug rubbing her back "I didn't mean to scare you I'm sorry I was mad please forgive me" she wrapped her arms around me

"I-I thought... I just-" she closed her eyes "I thought of Sam he was so mad when he found out I was pregnant I was so nervous t-to tell you" she let out a soft cry

I was so selfish "I'm so sorry" I sighed "please please I didn't mean to do this to you the last thing I want to do is upset you" she nodded in my shoulder

After she stopped crying she pulled away and wiped her face with her hands "I should have told you"

"Yes but I didn't need to act out like I did" I nodded she crossed her arms and sniffled

"I-" she put a hand on her stomach "I'm 3 months now" she looked up at me "I'm sorry"

I shook my head "what are you sorry for?"

She looked down "I know we didn't talk about a baby and when I came to talk with you I was in a very low place I just- I wanted to hear you and see you so bad I wasn't doing what I needed to do I wasn't taking my pills I wasn't-"

"It's not your fault" I cut her short "nothing is your fault you have no reason to apologize" I sighed deeply "I'm just glad you didn't get rid of it without telling me you were even pregnant ,I'm not saying you'd do that, but I think I'd be sick if that happened knowing I was a dad but then I wouldn't be" I ran a hand through my hair

"I wouldn't do that" she shook her head

I looked down at her stomach "c-can I see your belly? Do you have a bump yet?"

She lifted her grey sweater ,that I now only realized was mine, up showing me her stomach she was pretty much the same but the bottom of her belly was a bit more rounded than usual "that's my baby" I put a hand on her stomach

"No one knows"

I cocked an eyebrow "what?"

"No one knows I'm pregnant... Beverly only knows because I had to tell her why I wasn't having a period" she said it rather shamefully

I had a snide remark but I kept it to myself "do you want to tell everyone?"

She shook her head "no"

"Why?" I frowned

She put her sweater back down "I-I'm nervous I had a panic attack when I found out I was pregnant"

"Well I'm here Baby we can tell them together or I can tell them for you if that's what makes you most comfortable"

"Harry we still aren't together" that was just not what I needed to hear

"Christ" I whispered "okay baby girl thanks for that reminder" I licked over my teeth making my tongue click

"But" She started getting my attention again "I-I think I'm ready for a kiss"

My heart spiked "r-really?"

She nodded rubbing her arm "yeah"

I grabbed her face and leaned closer I stared at her gorgeous plump lips and closed my eyes

I kissed her cheek

I put my forehead to hers "I want our first kiss to be special I want to kiss you" I whined "god I want to kiss you and touch so fucking bad but I want it to be perfect"

I pulled away "I'm sorry"

She shook her head "don't be sorry" she smiled "if... if you want you can stay here tonight"

I shook my head "I've got to go to work soon"

Before all this happened I'd crash at her house anyway I'd go to work come back for like 7 in the morning crawl in bed with her she get up and go about her day I'd just sleep in her bed

"Okay" she nodded

"I love you" I blurted unable to hold it back any longer

"I love you Harry"

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