22[Kind of a Date]

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Harry's pov

I'm off night shift this is actually my first day back on day shift so tonight I've got plans

I invited Alexis to go out for dinner with me

I can't wait for all the dirty details of her going out with Jason I can't wait for her to tell me I'm right

I've dreamt way too many times about satisfying Alexis to think someone like that would even have a chance at getting in her pants

I know it was wrong of me to use her kink against her but it's what's best for her, actually maybe for me, either way doesn't matter she's not getting with Jason

I'm meeting her there since she's just getting off work

I pulled stepping in I didn't see her car anywhere so she must not be here yet I got us a table texting her I was already here and seated

She texted back rather quickly

Alexis:I'm on my way sorry traffic :(

Me:it's fine no problem

It was only about 5 minutes of me checking out the menu before I heard "Hey Harry!" I turned in the booth and saw Alexis

With Evelyn on her hip

"Alexis..." I smiled "I-I uh I didn't know you were bringing Evelyn"

She put Evelyn into the booth then got in setting her purse on the table across from Evelyn in the empty spot next to me "you don't mind do you?" She asked pulling down her dress to get comfortable in the seat

"No I don't mind" I would have loved it to be just us but... Evelyn isn't so bad

I looked Alexis over she was in a rather form-fitting plain black dress it was to her knees and had a neckline and sleeves like a plain tee-shirt nothing too flashy Evelyn however was in a little polo lilac dress the little pony is black it's sleeveless and her hair is down it's about mid back length

"Hey Hawwy" Evelyn waved happily

"Hey" I greeted back and shrugged "you were with Max today?"

"Mhm we painted" she smiled widely

"Yep and she got paint allll over her clothes so I had to change her before we came"Alexis smiled down at Evelyn holding the menu open in front of herself "you want chicken tenders, alfredo, Or spaghetti?" Alexis asked Evelyn

"Ummm" She wiggled in her seat "chicken!"

Alexis nodded "alrighty" she kissed her head and looked at me "what are you getting? I might get the same I've never been here"

"Uh..." I completely forgot "do you like fish?" I asked

"Uh no I avoid all fish Evelyn's allergic to shrimp so I don't wanna risk it I usually don't even go to a place if they serve shrimp"

I gasped "shit right I remember you telling me that I won't get that either then, burgers here are good"

"Oh yeah I see spicy chicken sandwich that sounds amazing" she smiled

"I'll get that too I haven't had it" I nodded closing my menu the waitress walked over

"Hey I'm Destiny what can I get you guys?" I looked at Alexis letting her answer before me

"Hi can I get the kids chicken tenders, fries, and steamed carrots with a..." She shimmed a little as she thought "lemonade" Alexis smiled down at Evelyn who gasped and smiled Alexis giggled softly "and we're gunna get 2 spicy chicken sandwiches" she looked at me "right?"

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