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3rd person pov

"HAWWWWY" Evelyn hopped up she just woke up and sat up to wake Alexis but saw Harry she climbed over Alexis and bounced on him "HAWWWWY HAWWY HAWWY HAWWY"

Harry groaned and wrapped his arms around her rolling over pulling her so she was between himself and Alexis "shh you're gunna wake the whole house" he laughed pulling her against him making her squirm and giggle like wild

Alexis sat up running a hand through her hair she got up from the bed wordlessly Harry stopped and looked at Alexis "Baby?" He questioned sitting up Evelyn noticing the change in his mood so she sat down quietly

She turned looking at him "Mm?" She hummed

"I didn't get a good morning kiss" he pouted

"I just gotta see who's up I'll be right back" she stepped out Harry frowned deeply he stood up wanting to follow her and demand he get his good morning kiss

After all it's her fault he expects it she spoils him

"When you get here?" Evelyn asked sitting on her knees looking up at him

"Last night" he answered opening his bag pulling out a pair of sweats  tugging those on he looked down at Evelyn "let's go brush your teeth Eve" that's usually what Alexis would do he walked to the bathroom with her

He put the toothpaste on the brush for her then brushed his own teeth watching her

Harry jumped as he felt a hand on his back he looked into the mirror Alexis was behind him she kissed his shoulder lovingly "get on a bathing suit" she turned walking out

They finished stepping out Harry halted she was tying her bikini top it's the same black bikini he's seen on her before but it still was as amazing as it was when he saw it on her for the first time

she turned looking at him she walked over "good morning" she cooed and pulled him down for a big sloppy kiss he groaned and grabbed her hips she pulled away "her suit is on the bed dress her for me?"

He nodded as she slipped into the bathroom to brush her own teeth

He felt that was well worth waiting for

He dressed Evelyn he adored the little sunflower bikini she had bunches of ruffles on her bum it made him playfully swat her bottom she stomped and crossed her arms "that not nice" she scolded him

He rolled his eyes " 'em sorry" Alexis stepped out

"Come on V Grammy and Grandpa have you a big yummy breakfast" she took her mother's hand "I'll be waiting babe" she called to Harry as they stepped out

Harry joined soon after Evelyn was sitting on Lj's lap eating Sam was talking to Alexis who was pretty effectively ignoring him Margo saw Harry first she jumped "oh!" She gasped then laughed "you're Alexis's boyfriend?"

He nodded holding out a hand "Harry"

"Margo" she shook his hand looking him over "tall boy you are... lots of tattoos"

He nodded "I'm a tattoo artist"

She nodded waving a hand as if she now totally understood him "that makes sense" she pointed to the table "your plate is across from Alexis, you like eggs?" He nodded

"Yeah thank you" Harry looked at Lj he walked over offering his hand again "Harry"

"Lj" he shook his hand "so you're dating Alexis mmm" he sipped his coffee "you look a little rough" he squinted

Harry laughed a little "gotta be big and bad to protect her and Evelyn"

Lj smiled "now that's a good answer, good man" he nodded agreeing with himself looking back at his paper "good man"

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