56[Birthday Boy]

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I know it's not his birthday it passed already but I wrote this before his birthday soooo... Enjoy

Harry's pov

I groaned hearing knocking I rolled over looking at my phone

10 am

I sighed and got up scratching my sides and back I then realized that I was naked I grabbed a pair of joggers pulling them on I walked down stairs opening the door lazily



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I saw red

I felt a tug on my sweats I grabbed the waist to avoid flashing my junk to everyone I looked down seeing Evelyn hugging my leg "hey you're pullin my pants down" she let go

"Sorry" she mumbled actually pronouncing it perfectly she's been working on her R's

"S'okay" I looked at Alexis the red of her dress put me in a daze I was groggy just wakin' up and that red was blinding "mornin' " I hummed letting my eyes linger on the dress as I talked

She leaned in and wrapped her arms around me kissing me I let go of the waist of my pants to hold her "Mm" she pulled away slowly "happy birthday" she giggled quietly rubbing my cheek "how'd you sleep?"

"Good" I rubbed up her arm "Mm you smell so good" I put my face in her neck kissing tenderly

She ran her fingers through my hair "you gotta get ready I planned a lunch for us"

"Nooo" I whined "can't I just lay on you and rub on you and maybe slip inside you?" I chuckled toward the end

"Tonight" she cooed

I'm glad I'm still getting what I want I pulled away from her neck causing her hair to fluff out sending the smell of vanilla and honey into the air "you gunna wait for me here or am I meeting you some where?"

"We're gunna wait" Her lips were just as bright red as her dress it made them look even more tempting than normal I looked back down at Evelyn I noticed a paper in her hand

"What's that?"

"It's a birfday card" she bounced "I made it for you!"

I gasped "for me? Aww you shouldn't have" I chuckled "can I have it?" Evelyn looked up at Alexis, Alexis nodded saying it was her card she can do whatever with it

I squatted down she handed it to me the cover was a little birthday cake of many glittering colors with a big 29 on it it spelled out happy birthday with random lower case and capital letters I opened it and there was a picture of some stick figures "who is this one?" I pointed to the tallest one

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