58[Lookin Good]

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Harry's pov

I heard a knock

Why do I always wake up to knocking?

Alexis was sound asleep she had been little spoon so me moving didn't disturb her too much

I sat up and rubbed my face it's 12 I guess we did have to wake up sometime

We just stayed up late last night watching movies Evelyn even stayed up till 12 last night a new record for her

I got up and walked down opening her front door as if I owned the place I rolled my eyes it took everything in me to hold back a snarky comment

"Oh it's you" Sam crossed his arms he didn't give me the same courtesy

"Yeah I thought the same thing" I smirked "and you're on time? What a big boy you are" I yawned "I'll go get Evelyn"

Sam went to step in I laughed and shoved him back over the threshold "you know you're not allowed in this house you can wait outside" I slammed the door in his face when I turned Alexis had Evelyn on her hip her tank top barely covering her chest and her sweat pants falling off her hips showing the lacy sides of her knickers

Alexis's pov

"Hey Baby mornin'" Harry hummed my boxer clad boyfriend with messy hair and a look of lazy appreciation

It's got to be refreshing to see anyone after having to look at Sam

I walked over and kissed him "hey babe" I sat on the sofa "I'm just gunna finish her hair" I combed my fingers in her hair braiding it into a tight french braid as she rubbed her eyes and woke herself up I got most of her bangs in it but there were a few lose strands I turned her to face me I kissed her nose putting her bookbag on her she wrapped her arms around my neck

"I don't wanna go mama" she pouted sleep still in her voice

"You gotta go Evelyn you know that darling" I peeled her arms off of me petting her hair to placate her

She looked at Harry "I don't wanna go"

"Oh no no no Don't ask me you know how I feel about your father" Harry crossed his arms

"So then don't make me go! Please Harry pretty pretty please" She ran over to him "I wanna stay with you and mommy I'll be good girl I Promise!" She bounced up and down big doe eyes looking right into his her bottom lip puffed out as she made grabbie hands

Harry picked her up "you're not playin' fair sweetie using your big ol puppy dog eyes on me" he pouted back

"Please" she held his cheeks

Harry looked at me "Does she really have to go I mean I can-"

"Yes She has to go" I got up tucking my hair back behind my ears "you've got to learn to get over that little pout she does Harry"

He looked at her then at me "b-but look at her that little lip those eyes they are so green and so big"

"Harry" I crossed my arms "I know she's cute ,she's practically me, but she's got to go"

He hugged her tighter "but she-"

"Okay you can't be trusted give" I opened my arms taking Evelyn

"Harry! Nooo Mommy!" She struggled in my arms

I put her down by the door "no ma'am you will not use Harry as an escape goat"

She turned and put her forehead on the door "I want Harry to be my daddy" she grumbled

"Yeah well me too" I rolled my eyes making sure my voice was low enough so only she heard it I pulled her by the bag away from the door opening it Sam looked up from his phone

"Fucking took you long enough I've been waiting" he looked back down at his phone

"Well didn't plan you being here till about 1, be on time more often" I smiled I put my hand on his arm lowering his phone making him look up at me "finish that before you leave I don't want you on your phone while you're driving with my Baby"

He scoffed and going back whatever he was doing I pet Evelyn's hair again as she crossed her arms pouting angrily "as if you don't"

"I don't no, I don't text and drive with or without Evelyn" he finished and tucked his phone into his pocket

"Yeah whatever" he looked me over instead of just taking her and leaving I raised my eyebrows

"yes?" I sassed

He shrugged "you look like you've lost some weight"

I furrowed my eyebrows "what?"

"You lost some weight" he repeated

I looked down pulling up my pants and pulling down my tank top as I noticed the lace of my underwear was showing "thanks"

He nodded "Shame you're with fuck face" he grumbled grabbing Evelyn and turned to walk to his car I closed the door staring at it a second longer just processing

"What'd he say to you?" Harry asked as he sat on the sofa

"He said I lost weight"

Harry looked just about as confused as me "what?"

"Yeah I dunno..." I mumbled

"Well I mean you have" Harry nodded

"Thanks I guess" I laughed

"Did you smell smoke?" Harry asked I sat on his lap

"No why?"

"He smelled like cigarette smoke"

I frowned deeply "I didn't smell it I wasn't paying attention was it strong?"

"No it was pretty faint" he shrugged I nodded

"Well I'm glad you smelt it and told me" I kissed him he came over last night just to be with me, we watched movies in my bed and he even offered to go tuck in Evelyn

I'm not complaining though trust me I'm not

I was brought back to reality as Harry kissed my neck sucking rather harshly he was rubbing up and down my thighs as well I spread my legs slightly giving him more room to let his hands wonder "I have work today, in a few hours actually, I'll have to go soon"

I pouted turning looking up at him "do you really have to work?" I whined puffing out my bottom lip

He chuckled "yeah unfortunately" he poked my pouting lip "and you wonder why I'm not immune to her pouty face" he rolled his eyes "you do the same thing to me"

"Boo no fun" I whined he wrapped his arms around me I thought it was a hug until he started tickling my sides I giggled and squirmed

"I am so fun!" He chuckled

"NOOO NOO DADDY" I screamed wiggling

"YESSS DADDY" he yelled back I tried to scoot off his lap he kept pulling me back

I gasped when I fell off his lap landing on my butt "ow!" I laughed

"Baby girl!" He sounded very concerned he stood up and picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist "you okay?" He rubbed my behind as he pressed a big sloppy kiss on my cheek

I nodded "I'm great"

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