18[I Spy]

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3rd person pov

Harry stepped in to the mall he drove an hour and a half to get here he looked at the map in front of him looking for the food court

Harry is meeting Phil his other real best friend it's been about 2 years since they've last seen each other so they agreed they'd meet each other halfway here

Harry was on time but Phil was early Phil got here 15 minutes before the agreed upon time Harry spotted Phil and another guy sitting at a table he walked over and Phil jumped out of his seat "HARRY" Phil grabbed him for a big hug patting him on the back "it's been way too long" Phil sighed

"Yeah man I know" Harry laughed and backed out of the hug "who's this?" Harry pointed to the other guy

"Harry this is my boyfriend Remi" Phil was defiantly the submissive one in the relationship Remi was larger than Harry he's a body builder professionally and not to be rude but Phil works on computers all day he's not exactly big and buff

Harry held his hand out "nice to meet you"

"Like wise" Remi smiled shaking it Harry sat

"So I see one new thing" he chuckled "anything else?"

"Remi has 3 kids a 14 year old girl and 4 year old twin sons from his ex-wife" Phil laid it all out in seconds

Even Remi was shocked by the announcement he awkwardly smiled at Harry "sweetie that was heavy" Remi mumbled to Phil

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to like... make it weird" Phil shrugged

"I'm fine if you are" Harry smile politely he wasn't getting scared off ,not with that far of a drive at least

Remi nodded "right well uh Phil and I have been together about a year now"

Harry nodded "that's good" he looked around "I'm actually kinda starving I didn't eat yet do you mind if we get some food?"

"No go ahead, Remi I really want a burger" Remi and Phil got up walking away as Harry walked towards a Chick-fil-A

They all got back to the table and started to eat "so Harry still a tattoo artist?"

"Upgraded to body piercer" Harry shrugged "still doing secret government shit?"

Phil laughed "Yeah I am but I've been promoted once or twice" he offered a fry to Remi who ate it kissing his fingers laughing "so you have a girl?"

"No" Harry shook his head

Remi smirked "aw come on handsome guy like you someone's gotta be on you" He then tilted his head "wasn't flirting by the way just trying to weasel info outta you"

"It's whatever" Harry didn't wanna keep anything from Phil especially since he over shared earlier he scratched his face "ah there is a girl yeah"

Phil bit his burger and nodded "go on"

Harry was hesitant "uh her name is Alexis she's a secretary" he took a bite and shrugged "she's 22 she lives next door to me" he laughed a little "I gave her the sexiest tattoo right on her chest" Harry tapped the side of his peck showing them where he meant

"Oh side boob action" Remi grinned "sexy"

Phil nodded "how long you been with her?"

Harry clicked his tongue by running his tongue over his front teeth and sucking through his teeth at the same time "I'm not with her"

Phil frowned "oh she's like a hook up kinda thing?"

Harry put his sandwich down as shook his head "no" he rolled his jaw "never fucked her, haven't even kissed her"

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