Sophie Angel Harrington, wife of Duke Harrington and sister of Xavier King.

Stacy David Clarke, wife of David Clarke and sister of Xavier King.

Twin sisters. I also know the story of Sophie Harrington's accident and her relation with Aliana King.

They are a close family. Extremely close.

"Kevin, meet my sisters-in-law, Angel and Stacy, and ladies, this is Kevin I have been telling you about" Aliana introduces me to the identical twins, same eye color as Xavier

"Aliana here was speaking so fondly of you," Angel says hugging me whilst Stacy was standing with an ear-to-ear grin on her face and I'm afraid if her face might split any second now.

"Apart from all we heard of you, you're the only friend of Alexia we are meeting" Stacy hugs me next.

"I'm here to handle my Dad, Benjamin Emerson's unfinished business with Xavier"

"We know Ben"

Angel and Stacy smile with surprise and I get the feeling not many people have the privilege to address them so familiarly. 

"How's Alexia doing? My poor child" I grit my teeth angrily hearing Stacy's choice of words.

"She's doing just fine by herself"

"How's she coping u-" Aliana interrupts Stacy.

"Let's have breakfast first. We can keep questions for later"

We make our way to the breakfast table where they talk about brands and fashion but their torture doesn't stop there, they try to involve me in their chit chat and I have no idea which brand or color they are talking about but I'm somewhat relieved when I notice Aliana be as bored as me. My happiness is short-lived when she starts enjoying my discomfort and adds topics of periods, cramps, babies, and diapers. Aliana is evil. She is enjoying way too much for my liking so I tune them out, especially Aliana but Xia's name catches my attention and I imagine taking care of Xia in her periods, giving her massage and feeding her and my way too destructive mind, shows me the image of Xia and me, playing with our baby and she is teaching me how to change diapers.

Now many people would think that I'm getting ahead of myself but in my life, I have never been certain of anything as much as I'm certain of my future with her. I don't see any without her.

A throat clearing snaps me back to reality where Aliana is giving me a secret smile and her eyes color is light green now, the same as Xia's. So she got her mom's bright and happy eyes.

Angel and Stacy leave by evening then Aliana and I cook dinner for Xavier and Xander.

"How are you maintaining your classes, Kevin?" Aliana asks when I am chopping carrots.

"I have my friends recording online classes for me. I'll have to study extra hard next week" And after 2 days I'll meet Xia.

"Alexia is a bright student. She'll help you in your studies"

My smile vanishes but I nod.

"Anything wrong?" She asks worried and I wonder what would it have been liked if I had my mom now. I could have shared everything with her.

"It's nothing" I turn my back to her.

"Kevin, I know it's overwhelming but the moment you informed me you have your flight to catch and that too earlier than we could have managed, showed me how much you care for her and think about her well-being. And when you snapped at us, I saw your pain, the pain only a lover could feel. I know you love her and she is lucky to have you. But when I see the smile on your face on the mere mention of her name, I know you're the one for my baby girl. I know you love her the same as her father loves me. As a mother, I'm asking you to share your problems with me because in these 3 three days, you have become our family now and it's not because you are helping us. You are the man who is hell-bent on protecting your love"

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