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Family Night

We arrived at my small home. I got out of the car and walked towards my house, with Jimin beside me. Suddenly he snaked his arm around my waist. "Wouldn't want you to be cold now..." he said. "You're the one who's always cold." I said laughing. He chuckled, "That's right, guess you'll have to keep me warm then." He said as he pulled me closer. "Come on..." I said leading him towards the house. I knocked and my dad answered, "It's open!"

I stepped inside and it was really clean. Too clean. They polished as shinned every wooden surface. There wasn't a spec of dust to be seen. "Wow,dad everything is so clean," I said stepping into the small dining room. "Well we cleaned up for your visit," my mom replied from down the hallway. "Mom, what are you doing?" I asked as he figure was seen walking with the help of my sister. I quickly joined them Andean my mom to sit down at the table. "I'm coming to eat, what else would I be doing," she said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

We all sat down and were eating. "So Jimin I see you've been doing a lot of marketing in the company." My dad said making conversation. I didn't really listen since it was literally all about work. "We have to thank you again for providing the medical funds for my wife Jimin." My dad thanked him. "It's no problem at all, it's the least I can do...really, I wish you could healthy ma'am." He stated politely looking at my mom. "And I wish you and my daughter would get together, but we can't always get what we want." She chuckled. "Mom, stop." I replied. Jimin chuckled. I just looked away. Dinner was really simple and fun. I really enjoyed it. I'm happy Jimin finally got to sit with my family. I feel like he understands, even though we're from two different worlds.

Jimin POV

I was in the living room waiting for Y/n I noticed the beautiful family photos that decorated the house. "Uhh hey Jimin um my wife is calling you, she wants to have a word with you," her dad said, I nodded and was about to leave but he grabbed my shoulder, "Don't let her slip away, I know her, and I know she likes you," her dad said. "I like her a lot as well, I'll take good care of her sir." I said without realizing what was comin out of my mouth. "I'm sure you will." He replied.

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