Chapter 80

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Amy's POV

I watch as Darkness falls to the ground, eventually disappearing.

We did it.

I notice Skele-Peggy and Robo-Sarah turning into normal Peggy and Sarah.

We all hug each other, crying tears of joy.

"We did it," I keep repeating.

Everyone starts to cheer.

"Wait!" Lee yells. We all turn towards Lee.

"What do we do now?" he asks. We look around us, expecting to see something or someone magical appear to greet and congratulate us.

"Let's walk around a little bit. Maybe we'll find something," Stampy suggests. Everyone nods as we walk around The Deadland, looking for any signs of a portal, some magic, anything.


"Maybe we lost," I blurt out as we continue wallking around The Deadland.

"No, we didn't. We saw them die," Ty points out.

I nod my head.

Suddenly I see a faint bright light. The light grows and it starts to show color. Brught pink, purple, yellow, orange, red, blue, bronze and dark green. The color of our powers. The lights form into a rectangle. The portal, I think as I stare in awe at the lights.

The lights disappear and the portal opens before us.

I see main Minecraftia and its people.

"Let's go," I say.

I look back at The Deadland, smirking.

One by one, the team enters the portal to go home.

Our home.

As I enter the portal, the colorful lights swirl around me.

Time to go home, I think as I'm blinded by the lights.

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