Chapter 46

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Endy's POV

Creep and I try to find food for the team. We don't need any because we're mobs, but we still need to find some for our friends.

I walk around, with Creep by my side.

No food.

I check the fields.

No cows, sheep, pigs or chickens.

I punch some trees, hopeful to get some apples.


Is this a troll or something?!?!

They'll all stave to death if we can't find food!!

"I found nothing, what about you?" I ask Creep.

"I have good newssssss!!" he exclaims, hissing like all creepers do. Typical Creep.

"What? What is it?!" I ask, jumping up and down.

Creep hesitates, trying to find an answer.

I sigh. "You have no good news, do you?" I ask.

Creep nods.

I groan.

"Why don't we just kill a zombie and get rotten flesh?" Creep asks.

"That won't do good, it will poison everybody and kill them," I admit.

We search for food, when suddenly I hear an ear-piercing scream.

It sounded like....

No. No, Endy, stop thinking like that, she's fine. That wasn't her.

I should go check, anyway.

I run towards the sound of the screams as they get louder.

I see the figure.

Orange tank top, denim shorts, and combat boots.


It can't be.

I run over to Peggy.

She doesn't look too good.

Her orange top is stained with blood, and she's yelling in pain. There's a sword jabbed into her side.

I gasp.

Creep comes over too, he looks like he is about to faint.

Luckily, I have the holographic walkie-talkie Sarah used while talking to Squid. We still use them for communication.

I turn it on and yell.

The hologram is Sarah, looking at me questionably.

"Hey, Endy! What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost," she says and laughs to herself.

"No time to talk, Peggy's hurt!" I scream, and pan the walkie-talkie over to Peggy.

Sarah takes one look and goes pale.

"We're coming!!" she yells, crying.

I turn off the walkie-talkie and sigh.

Please be alright, Peggy.


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