
153 8 4

Wow, this is amazing. I never expected to have 20k reads on my story (specifically 20.1k). Not only that, I have 1.26k votes and 258 comments.

Thank you all so, so, so much. I remember when I was freaking out when I had 43 reads. I have 20,000 now. That's absolutely insane. Like, wow.

I write because I love to. I write because I want to tell stories. I write because it's one of my favorite things to do, and it lets me unleash my imagination. I'll bet every author feels the same.

Every nice comment I get encourages me to write more, and I do. I write because I want to.

Thank you all for reading this story. Thank you all for commenting on this story. Thank you all for voting for this story. Thank you to all who support me. Just thank you.

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