Chapter 21 and Important Note

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Squid's POV

"Yeah, you can trust us!" I say.

Oops. I may have just gotten a one-way ticket to Mean Sarahville. Yeah, I know. Not my best joke.

"Squid! Were you listening?" Sarah says through the holographic walkie-talkie.

"Maybe," I reply back.

Sarah gives me a glare.

"Stampy listened too!!" I say quickly, pointing to Stampy who has wide eyes and mouth wide open.

"Did not!" Stampy replied in his 6-year-old voice.

"Did to!" I say in the same voice.

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!!"

"Guys stop it!" Sarah says as she tries to get her words out because she is laughing too hard the even speak.

"So how's it been?" I ask, since I haven't heard from Sarah in a while.

"It's been good. We still need to find a potion for Peggy to cure her of...." she trails off.

I know what she's talking about. Stampy and I have been really worried for Peggy.

I know something is out to get her.

We just hope she makes it.


Author's Note:

Hey peoples! It's Peggy here!

First off, I just want to say I'm really sorry for not updating lately. I just want to make sure people are actually reading the story before I post more.

Also, thank you for so much reads! 269 may not seem like a big number to some people, but to me it's just.... wow. Amazing. Thank you. It means a lot to me that people like and appreciate my writing.

Another thing, I'm going to make an official posting schedule very, very soon. I'll tell you the schedule once I set it up.

Now, some new characters may be added to the story soon.... hint hint. Who do you think they are??

I hope you all enjoy the story so far!! Please comment and let me know what you think of it!

Farewell, my fellow readers and writers! Peggy out!! :D

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