Chapter 18

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Peggy's POV

Wow, this is so amazing! Lee and Amy got here the same exact way we got here! But I don't think Sarah agrees.

"Sarah, are you okay?" I ask her.

She grabs me by the arm and pulls me aside. "Excuse me a moment," Sarah sweetly says to Lee and Amy, obviously a fake attitude. Luckily, Lee and Amy don't notice.

"What?" I hiss at her.

Sarah puts her hands up in defense. "Sorry! I just need to talk to you!" Sarah whisper-yells to me, so Lee and Amy won't hear.

I feel hurt, and I can tell she knows because her face softens and she immediately gives me an apologetic look. I can tell she's sorry because of that twinkle in her eyes she gets when she's apologizing.

"Look," Sarah says, still that sorry look on her face. "Don't you think this is getting a little out of hand?" As she says the last part of her sentence, Sarah puts her hand on my shoulder. I push her hand away, though.

"Yeah, I guess. But- wait a minute. Do you not trust us?!" I yell. Now Amy and Lee have heard and joined in.

"Maybe I do. Then again, maybe I don't," Sarah says back to me, in a nervous yet strong sort of way.

"I can't believe you!! How could you not trust us!? Your best friend and your favorite YOUTUBERS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD?!?!" Now I'm screaming.

How could she do this?


Author's Note:

Hey, peoples! It's Peggy here! I present to you another chapter!!

So, what's up with Sarah? Why doesn't she trust Amy and Lee? Is Sarah actually doing the right thing? Well.... you'll find out in the next chapter!!

Farewell, my fellow readers and writers! Peggy out! :D

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