Chapter 69

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Lee's POV
Where am I?
I see a sign.
'THE GOODBYE' it says.
What happened?
All I remember is that I was called over to make a healing cake for Squid, when I passed out.
Am I gone?
Is everybody else dead?
They probably are.
I could've helped.
I could've stayed to fight.
But I left the weight to the team to handle.
I was so strong.
So confident.
But now....
I'm weak.
I can barely stand.
I can't walk.
I can't talk.
I've went from super confident and happy....
To weak, fragile and broken.
Just broken.
I look around this mysterious place I am in.
I'm in a white room.
I see a metal table and an old bed.
I look at my hands.
They're furry.
So I'm still in Minecraft.
I walk over to the door and open it.
There stands.... me?!
Okay, Lee, calm down. It's probably just a coincidence this person has the same skin as you.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"You," he says.
I give him a confused expression.
"Am I dreaming?" I ask.
"Maybe, if you ever wake up," the other Lee says.
"What do you mean?" I ask suspiciously.
"You passed out earlier, everyone thinks your gone. If you don't wake up soon, you definitely will be," the other Lee says.
"Well, I need to get back," I say.
'I don't think that will be happening,' I hear a voice say.
The other Lee disappears.
I feel a sharp pain sear throughout my body as I clutch my stomach.
I sink to the ground.
How am I in a dream but I can feel pain?
I look at my paws and see blood. Something shot me in the stomach. I pull out an arrow as I scream, blood pooling around me.
I see a projector appear.
It plays a video.
It's me.
I'm on the floor, eyes closed. So is Squid.
I know he can't free me. He's too weak.
I see Stampy talking to another girl. Darkness is gone.
For now.
Ty teleports everyone that was fighting Sadness to Stampy's location.
I notice him crying and talking to a girl.
Everyone run over to Stampy, Peggy pulls him into a hug as Stampy cries on her shoulders.
"Lee.... he's.... gone!" Stampy says, still crying.
"What?!" Creep asks.
Stampy and Peggy let go of their hug.
"Lee. He was too weak. Squid passed out from freeing Anna," he points to Anna as she blushes.
"I called Lee over to make a healing cake for Squid, but he fell to his knees. I told him to rest. He closed his eyes and he stopped breathing. Squid's still breathing so he's alive." Stampy says.
The team starts to cry as I cry with them.
"I'm.... right.... here," I gasp.
'Or are you?' a voice says and laughs.
I growl.
"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be dead!!" I say.
She laughs.
'Oh, I'm dead. Like you. Well, you're gone at least. If you stay here for two hours, your dead. I've stayed for two hours. Is poor Lee crying?' she asks.
"I WANT TO GO BACK!!' I scream.
Maybe I'm not dead.
Maybe she's lying.
I have to get back.
If I combine all kinds of cakes that benefit me, then maybe I could go back.
'Thats not going to happen. If I'm tapped, SO ARE YOU!!' she yells.
I feel another pain in my body.
This time, the pain is stronger.
I screech.
I cry.
I glance at my side, now oozing with blood, when I notice a bloody walkie-talkie.
I pick it up, paws shaking.
"HELLO?!" I literally scream.
"Who's there?" I hear.
"It's me! Lee! I'm alive!" I exclaim.
I turn on the holograph to see everyone crying.
"How are you-" Amy starts.
"No time to talk you have to get me out of here Sadness is-" I begin, but cut off by my own pain.
A sword went through my leg.
My sword.
"Lee! We'll help you, don't worry! Squid has just woken up and were making him a healing potion so he'll have enough energy to free you!" Ty exclaims.
"Hurry!" I yell as I turn the device off.
Squid can only free people through the mind, so that's what we have to do.
About ten minutes later, bloody and battered, I hear a voice.
'Lee? Are you here?' the voice says.
"Squid, I'm here! Help!" I scream as I groan in pain.
'Don't worry, hold on,' he says.
Squid mumbles something, I'm unable to hear it.
Suddenly, the white room explodes.
I'm left I a dark void.
The void becomes bright white as I back out.
I let out a little smile as the darkness covers me like a blanket.

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