Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

Peggy screams as she runs across the Deadland with her best friend, Sarah.

"How did this even happen?!?" Sarah screams with terror.

Six months earlier....

"YES, FINALLY I CAN PLAY!!!" Peggy shouts as she downloads Minecraft PC. She gets so excited that she accidentally punches Sarah in the nose.

"Hey!" Sarah says, laughing. "Sorry," Peggy says as she and Sarah smile.

She plays with her long brown hair as she sets up her PC. Peggy pushes her bangs back, but they keep hiding her green eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, now hurry up! I want to play on Minecraft! Maybe we can meet Stampy and Squid!" Sarah says as she watches the newest video uploaded by Stampylongnose, who is playing an adventure map with his good friend, iBallisticSquid.

Peggy and Sarah are best friends who have always been Minecraft experts. They just never got Minecraft PC on their computers, but today, they finally got it. Sarah has already downloaded the game, but she is waiting for Peggy to download it so they can play together.

"Okay, okay!! It just takes so long to load!" Peggy complains. After what seemed like forever, Peggy finally got onto to the main menu for Minecraft.

She sees a glittering glow on the screen as the words on the page spell out, 'Fulfill your destiny!' Those are weird quotes, Peggy thinks. Oh, well, it must be another cheesy sentence on the main menu.

But Peggy was about to find out how wrong she was. "Ready?" Peggy asked Sarah. "Duh!" Sarah replies as she facepalms herself.

"On three, we click on the button that takes us to the Minecraft server." Peggy says.





The darkness took over the girls as their world went black.

Transported (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora