Chapter 56

248 16 3

Song: This is War

By: Thirty Seconds to Mars

Third Person POV

"Come on, we have to get home, hurry up!!" Sarah screams as she sprints across the forest with Amy, Stampy, Endy and Creep behind her. Lee was right next to her.

"I'm so excited Peggy's awake!!!" Amy screams.

She spots a lake.

Amy dives in the lake, and stays underwater.

But....she can breathe!

Amy swims, and she swims five miles and back in under five seconds!

I have a power! Amy thinks.

This is my destiny, and I am fulfilling it, she thinks again as she swims towards the house.


"H-how did you g-get here so f-fast?!" Creep asks, panting.

"I discovered my power! I can breath underwater and I can swim super fast!" Amy declares.

Everyone cheers.

"Wait!" Sarah says.

"Everyone has gotten a power but me! I know Endy and Creep have their powers from being mobs. When will I get mine? Do I have one?" Sarah says.

Everyone thinks.

"I don't know...." Stampy says, giving Sarah a nervous smile.


They all walk into the house.

Sarah was the first to go into Peggy's room.

She sees a wide awake Peggy, along with Squid and Ty.

"You're awake!" Sarah rushes over to hug her.

She gives Sarah a weak smile.

Stampy, Lee, Amy, Endy and Creep hug Peggy next.

"I just got the power to swim super fast and to breath underwater! Anyway, how are you holding up?" Amy asks.

"That's really great! And I'm doing alright," Peggy declares.

Everyone sighs of relief.

"But I can fight...." she trails off.

Now the room is silent.

Peggy can't fight.

She can't fight in The Final Battle.

"Well.....we're ready to go to The Deadland, and the prophecy book states we HAVE to go to The Deadland as soon as we're ready, even if it means leaving someone out...." Stampy explains, sighing afterwards.

"Well...." Peggy starts.

She gets up and turns into Skele-Peggy. She hands Squid her best bow.

"Good luck. Make me proud," she says.


This is it.

All or nothing.

If the team looses, the twins will take over Minecraftia, the team never to be seen again.

They have everything they need to make the portal.

Everyone says the sacred words to activate it.

The portal opens.

The team smiles, even Peggy.

She turns back I from Skele-Peggy back to her original form.

They all hug Peggy goodbye.

If the team wins, they will respawn at main Minecraftia, Peggy will have to make the long journey home.

But if they lose....


Nobody knows.

Everybody cries, for they know this might be their last day alive.

One by one, they jump into the portal.

First Endy.

Then Creep.

Stampy, Squid, Lee, Amy and Ty.

"Don't forget me," Sarah whispers as she hugs her best friend.

"I won't," Peggy responds.

"Goodbye," Sarah says as she steps into the portal.

Peggy waves as Sarah disappears.

This is it.

Their destiny has come.

They've been here in Minecraft for six months.

It's time to fight.

This day will make history in Minecraftia.

But there's one question.

What kind of history will it be?


Or bad?

Nobody knows.

You know what they say, it's now or never.

This is war.

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