Chapter 25

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Amy's POV

We've done our usual routine today.

Wake up.

Eat breakfast.

Start walking.

That's what we've done so far. It's not the best thing in the world to sleep on the dry, hot sand everyday, but I've gotten used to it.

We all take turns carrying the backpacks. It's Lee and Peggy's turns now. Next it's me and Sarah.

We have to find this Dead Portal, but we need the supplies to find it.

Wood? Check. Well need that for basic things.

Water? Nope. We need a bucket and there is absolutely no iron in the Minecraftian Desert. It's famous for that. That's just dandy.

Lava? Nope. Again, a bucket.

Emeralds? A stack of them? Nope.

Special crystal blocks? Two stacks of them? Nope. That will be the hardest to find, since it only appears every one hundred years and it's only available to mobs, so Peggy will have to get that.

Last but not least, the sacred words to activate the portal. Again, we don't have it. We have absolutely no idea what the sacred words are!!

Everyone is just silent. We're all weak.

And growing weaker.

"Look!! An oasis!!" Sarah screams, which makes us all jump.

Water! Oh, how much I've missed drinking that clear liquid!

Sarah and I race over to the water to take a drink, while Peggy and Lee trudge behind, since they have the backpacks.

I cup the water in my hands and take a sip. I've never tasted anything so sweet!

I look at my list and see that water is on it. We can't take this water with us because we don't have a bucket.

I guess we'll just keep going.


Author's Note:

Hey, peoples of the Magma Army! It's Peggy here! What do you think of this chapter? Do you like it??

Some new characters are coming in soon, I'm so excited! XD

Don't forget to go to my new book, Ask/Dare my OCs, and comment your questions, dares, and now ideas for skits! I can't wait to read the comments!

Farewell, my fellow readers and writers! Peggy out! :D

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