Chapter 62

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Peggy's POV


That's all I can do.


I need to help somehow!

I'm sitting up in my bed, sweating.

Trying not to hurt myself (I still have my side bandaged from the wound and it's still in great pain), I slowly get up and go to our bookshelves.

I might as well pass the time with a book.

I check the shelves.



I already read this....

Why do we even have this book?!

I continue searching until I find something that catches my eye.

'The Prophecy of The Endertwins' it reads.

I read it.

"'The team will enter The Deadland and meet the Endertwins. One teammate will not be able to go to The Deadland.'"

That's me, I think to myself and sigh.

I flip the page, expecting to see more, but they're all gone!


Are you kidding me?!

I groan.

My eyes and hands turn pink.

I see specks of golden dust dance around me and the book.

They form the shape of a rectangle.

The missing pages!

The pages fit into the book.

I read them.

"'Once the team goes through the portal, they will not be able to leave unless they win the fight. One member will die or be very close to dying while perusing his or her fate. The team will hopefully go on to defeat the Endertwins, their is no telling if everyone will come out dead or alive.'"


This can't be!


I start crying, but I'm soon interrupted with a bang at the door.

I look through the windows.


They're the size of a Minecraft avatar, but they're half-dragon, half-human.

I grab my bow and arrow and change into Skele-Peggy.

I open the door, and I aim.



I shoot one straight in the heart, and it collapses to the ground, dead before it's fall.

The other semi-dragons look at the dead body, then at me.

I'm next.

I gulp.

I shoot each semi-dragon one by one, each one falling to the ground, dead.

One attacks me and splashes a liquid on me.

I go limp.

My knees buckle under me and I collapse to the ground.

A weakness position.

A semi-dragon is just about to stab me with it's sword.

I close my skeleton eyes.

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