Chapter 52

239 16 6

Song: Human

By: Christina Perri

Lee's POV

I'm sitting at the table in the kitchen, along with Ty, Amy, Stampy, and Squid.

Sarah is checking up on Peggy.

Poor Peggy.

Endy and Creep are outside, keeping gaurd.

When will Peggy wake up?

"Don't worry, Lee, she'll wake up!" Stampy exclaims, trying to sound happy.

But I know he's not.

And I guess I was thinking out loud.

I sigh as I play with my now

cold mushroom stew.

"Guys! Peggy woke up! But she passed out right after!!" Sarah screams.

We all exchange looks and race to Peggy's room.

She's pale and asleep on her Minecraft bed.

Stampy is the first to burst into tears, followed by the rest of us.

"Right before she collapsed again, she said 'the twins'." Sarah explains, not taking her eyes off of Peggy.

"No," Squid whispers.

Stampy's eyes are widened and are glowing yellow.

"What?" I ask.

"Well, when Stamps and I were possessed for the first time, we kept on saying 'the twins' too, like Peggy," Squid admits.

"Oh ya! I remember that! That happened before Lee, Amy, Endy, Creep, or Deadlox came!" Sarah says.

"Then, is Peggy.... possessed?" I manage to choke out.

Everyone thinks.

"I-I don't know," Ty finally says.

"Well, if she is possessed, then maybe the thing that is possessing her isn't strong enough to move her body. That's what happened to Squid and I when we were possessed for the first time," Stampy explains.

We all think about it, and finally nod.

"Can Squid free her?" I ask.

"I'll try," he says.

Squid sits at the end of Peggy's bed and hovers his tentacle over her face.

He mumbles something as his eye and hands burn orange.

He stands up, only to collapse.

I help him back up.

"I-I can't do it. S-something just h-hurt me w-when I tried to free her...." he trails off as he passes out.

"NO!!" Sarah screams.

Crying, the team and I help Squid over to his bedroom.

We go back to Peggy's room and silently sob.

I hear Sarah start to hum a tune I don't recognize.

"Hey, Sarah, what are you humming?" I ask her.

She looks at me.

"Oh, it's a song that Peggy and I love," she says.

"Can you sing it?" I ask.

Sarah nods her head and takes a deep breath.


Once the last words to the song escape her lips, we all clap for Sarah. I even notice Amy tear up a bit. That song makes me realize that beside the fact of Peggy being half-skeleton, she's only human. In fact, we all are, we bleed, we cry, we have flaws, we die. We can't control it. Peggy couldn't control the stabbing she was in. We just can't control it. It's what makes us human.

Suddenly, Peggy whispers in her slumber.

"The twins.... the twins...." she constantly repeats.

This isn't good.


She's not awake.

I start crying.

Then I'm angry.

Is it.... them?

The twins?

The twins.





My blocky hands clench and my eyes and bear paws turn blue, everyone looks at me.

Suddenly I have a cake in my hand.

Well, that's cool but what are going to-


I wasn't holding a cake before.

"Where did you get that cake?!" Stampy asks, eager for the tasty treat, but Amy holds him back.

"I-I don't know. I-I guess I m-made it, m-maybe?" I stutter.

I make another one.

And another one.

And another one.....

Then I make a cake sword at the speed of light.


Faster than that.

I make cake armor, even better than diamond armor, poison cake, healing cake, cake minions.....

It just keeps going.

Stampy can't take it anymore.

He lunges towards his cake-filled dream and eats it all.

In one bite.

"I-I have a power!" I manage to say.

Yes, I do.

I have found my destiny.

And, of course....

I am fulfilling it.


Author's Note:

Hey, people! It's Peggy here!

Sorry the last chapter was so short. To make it up to you all, I have another chapter!

Oh, yeah! Don't forget to check out @resressrs 's stories! They're amazing and I totally recommend them for anyone who likes anime.

Farewell, my fellow readers and writers! Peggy out!! :D

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