Chapter 13

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Sarah's POV

Peggy drank the healing potion and is now better.

I help her stand up, and she catches her balance.

"Are you feeling any better, Peggy?" Amy asks her.

"Yeah.... I think so, but-" Peggy starts to say, but stops herself. "But what?" I ask.

"Oh nothing! It's nothing! Nothing, nothing, nothing!!" Peggy quickly says and nervously laughs.

"But-" I start, but am soon cut of by a swarm of mobs.

"They're coming right toward us! Run!!" Lee yells at us as we do what he says.

But Peggy does nothing.

"Come on!" I yell as I pull her arm.

She doesn't budge.

"Lee, Amy, help!!" I yell. They both race over to my side.

"Peggy come on!!" Amy yells.

But it's too late.

The mobs have caught us.

They all form around Peggy. "No!!" I cry, tears streaming down my face.

I try to run for her, but Amy pulls me back. "Don't. They have her," she says.

But I run. I run through the crowd of mobs, not caring if they tear me apart limb by limb.

I find Peggy. The mobs didn't hurt her. In fact, they love her!

"Peggy?" I ask her. "What's going on?" She gives me an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry," she months to me.

Peggy tries to run away, the mobs joining her.

I all of a sudden hear a voice.

"Guys? Hello? What's happening?" Squid asks Sarah through the walkie-talkie.

"Squid! You're back! What happened?!" I ask.

"Long story short, Stamps and I were possessed, but now we're free. We don't know who or what possessed us though. Now, what's happening with you guys?!"

"Well, Lee and Amy are part of the prophecy, too, so they're here. Second, we were about to be attacked by mobs but they went all around Peggy and they adore her! She's trying to run away! I'm catching up to her!" I pant as I explain the situation to Squid.

"Well you have to catch her!! She has to at least help defeat the Endertwins or else you'll never defeat them!!" I hear Stampy yell.

I finally catch up to Peggy and tackle her to the ground.

"Let me go!!" Peggy shouts. "No! You have to explain everything to us!" I say just as Amy and Lee run towards us. They both separate me and Peggy from my strong tackle. Amy pulls me away from Peggy, while Lee clams Peggy down when she starts to freak out.

We all sit down. "Please Peggy. Please tell me. I'll understand," I say as I put a hand on her knee.

Peggy sighs. "Okay. But promise not to tell anyone." We all nod our heads in response.

"Alright," Peggy slowly says. She closes her eyes and waves her hand across her face.

We all gasp at what we see.


Author's Note:

Hey peoples! It's Peggy here! Well, another chapter posted! What do you all think Peggy reveals? You find out soon....

Anyway, farewell, my fellow readers and writers! :D

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