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One thousand years ago, two dragons, called the Endertwins, tried to rule Minecraftia.

Sadness and Darkness were the names of the dragons.

They were fair and kind to everyone.

Until the power went to their heads.

They killed thousands of Minecraftians, and attempted to gain unlimited power.

They almost got it all.

But then a team, the Chosen Ones, came.

The Chosen Ones were the strongest, nicest, and bravest people in Minecraftia.

They promised to slay the dragons.

They almost did.

The Chosen Ones killed the Endertwins in a battle called Ender Batlle I.

Or so they thought.

The dragons were only banished to an endless black hole for one thousand years.

One of the dragons said his final threats, which was,

"When we come back, we shall gain power and kill everyone of Minecraftia."

Now, in one thousand years, a new group of Chosen Ones will join together to defeat the Endertwins.

The Order of the Block, a counsel that organizes prophecy books and helps to keep Minecraftia in order, wrote a prophecy book and gave it to a Mimecraftian whose furture relative will be part of the Order of the Block and will give the book to one of the Chosen Ones.

The owner of the book ripped out the papers where it shows the other chosen ones, and gave it to the Minecraftians of the future chosen ones.

The Endertwins were also able to rip out some pages to keep for themselves,

So nobody knew the whole prophecy.

Not everyone got a page, because nobody knows all of the ancestors of the future chosen ones.

These future people will come together to form a team, and defeat the dragons in a battile. Ender Battle II.

They will be transported here.

To Minecraftia.

This is their destiny.

And they will fulfill it.

At least, the world can hope.


Author's Note:

Hey peoples! It's Peggy here!

I hope you all enjoy the prologue of my first book! What do you think of it?

I just want to let everyone know in advance that any YouTubers that are in this story are not my OCs. They are real people and real YouTubers.

Farewell, my fellow readers and writers!

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