Chapter 59

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Sarah's POV

I have a power!!

Or should I say, three!

I've never been so happy in my entire life!

If only Peggy were here to see this.

As I walk back over to the others, they all hug me.

"Congrats on your powers!!!" Ty screams in my ear.

I flinch a little, but laugh. I nod. I notice Amy come out of the water and walks over to us.

"Yeah. Thanks! I guess Stampy told you all," I say as I blush.

After our group hug, our smiles wipe off our faces.

"Alright, we need to find the twins and use everything we have against them," Ty says.

"I think you just found them," we hear a voice say.

We turn around, our eyes wide and our mouths wide open.

I can't believe it.

It's them.

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