Chapter 32

253 13 7

Stampy's POV


That's all I see right now.



'Hello, Stampy,' I hear a voice say.

"Who are you?!?! Where are you?! Where am I?" I ask this mysterious voice.

'Oh, Stampy, don't you know me? I'm the reason you're all here. I am Darkness.'


And Sadness.

I know who they are.

The voice continues.

'I am one of the Endertwins. My twin sister, Sadness, is the other twin. I am speaking to you through telepathy, so you can't see me. You don't have the power of telepathy, so you have to physically talk to me. You're probably wondering, 'What's happening, Darkness?' Well, you are being possessed for a second try. You're soul is stuck in the darkness, and my sister, Sadness and I are possessing your bodies, and your bodies are killing innocent people right now. We're going to make sure you don't wake up this time. You and Squid will be trapped, floating around this endless universe, forever.'

"Where's Squid? And my dogs?" I ask.

'Your dogs are okay, but not for long. And Squid has woken up. He is talking to Sadness now. He's actually standing right next to you, but neither of you can see each other.'

"Squid? Where are you?" I yell out.


More silence.

"Stampy?" a faint voice asks.

"Squid? Is that really you?" I scream.

"Yeah! Where are you Stampy?"

"I'm right next to you, but we can't see each other! I don't know why, though, we're not using telepathy with each other!" I reply.

"Are we possessed again?"

I nod. Then I remember Squid can't see me so I whisper, "Yeah."

"Wait, Stamps! The sacred words! You told me to say them last time we were possessed and we were free! Let's try it!"

I take a deep breath and we say the sacred words.

"Minecraftia landia please free me from this cursia! I shall not die, I shall not plead, just free me from this spell, you see!"

We wait.

And wait.

And wait....

Suddenly, Squid appears.

"Stampy, I see you!" Squid says. I guess he got the same results.

"Yeah, but we're not free!" I say to him.

Suddenly, a blast of wind covers our faces. A bright white light appears and replaces the darkness with some kind of monitor.

It's us!

Well, not us, but us!

"Come Sadness, we shall kill Peggy. Then Sarah," I/Darkness says.

Squid/Sadness laughs.

"Good luck, Stampy and Squid. You'll be stuck in the darkness for a long time," Darkness says again.

The monitor goes off.

Darkness again.

Just plain darkness.



Squid and I sit against what seems to be a black wall.

I sigh.

We have to get out of here.

Warn the others.

Before it's too late.

Squid's eyes turn a bright orange.

What could they possibly do to us now?

"We.... are getting.... out of here...." Squid says.

"Are you okay?!?!" I ask.

He ignores me and continues.

"If it is.... the last thing.... I DO!!!!!" Squid screams.

He's in full-on rage mode!!

The bright orange light travels to his squid tentacles. All of a sudden, Squid stands up and the light shoots out of his blocky hands!

I think he has a power.... the power to free people from being possessed!!

Peggy has a power, now Squid.

Who's next?

A bright white light appears, and I think a go blind for a couple of minutes.

Then everything goes black.


Author's Note:

Hey, peoples of the Magma Army! It's Peggy here!

I decided to post a chapter today because I couldn't wait! I might post another few later today, so keep that in mind.

How do you like the chapter?

Farewell, my fellow readers and writers! Peggy out!! :D

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