Chapter 48

236 15 2

Song: Get Out Alive

By: Three Days Grace

Peggy's POV

The pain.




Is this is end?

Will I teleport to the real world?


Or die?

Maybe this was all a dream.


Even my existence.

Even Sarah.

Ty, Squid, Stampy, Lee, Amy, Creep and Endy.

All fake.

Just a dream.

There was no destiny.

I shall fulfill nothing.


I'm still in pain, Endy, who I think is now just a dream, is comforting me, along with Creep.

Endy pulls the sword out of my side.

He touched me in my Skele-Peggy form, I would've attacked by now on instinct, but I'm too weak to.

I let a scream escape from my chapped lips.

I'm lying in the ground, my side bleeding and oozing with blood.

In what seems like five minutes, Sarah, Ty, Lee, Amy, Stampy and Squid race over to me, eyes red and puffy from crying.

Now I know this is real.

The pain.

All of my senses.

It's all real.

"No!" Sarah whisper-yells.

I feel warm tears drop onto my arm as I see black dots in my vision.

"Get her the healing potion, quick!!" Sarah says.

We all know the healing potion won't heal me completely, but it's worth a shot.

Without it, it's a guarantee I will die.

If I take it, there's only a chance I will die.

Lee takes off his backpack, and Ty grabs the healing potion out of it. He hands it to Squid while Stampy sits me up against a tree.

Again, I'm too weak to attack as Skele-Peggy. I wouldn't want to hurt my teammates anyways.

My breathing has gotten really heavy, and I feel myself getting weak.

And weaker.

And weaker....

Sarah helps me drink the potion.

I feel a spark in my body.

My vision goes completely black and I pass out.

The last thing I see is Lee whispering, "Please be alright."

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