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weltschmerz (noun)

lit. "world-pain"; the depression you feel when the world as it is doesn't reflect what you think it should be. 


day twenty-nine.

It was a school day. Zero and Chase had walked to school together that day - hand in hand. 

During class, they would occasionally steal glances at each other and look away just as quick with a shy smile on their faces. Sometimes, the gaze would last a little more than a second - and each and every time, both their hearts swelled with warmth. 

It was currently recess and the boys, along with their friends were seated around their usual table. 

Zero and Chase were holding hands under the table, hoping the rest of them wouldn't notice. 

And then it happened. 

Oliver dropped his fork. 

Before the boys could let go of each other's hands, he bent down to grab his fork from under the tabl. Following this, he sat back up with his mouth wide open. 

"Chase, Zero - are you guys seriously holding hands-"

What followed was a symphony of gasps from the other boys. 

"Right- about that," Chase began, looking away. 

Zero squeezed Chase's hand in a reassuring manner, "We're together."

Chase's eyes widened. 

"He's my boyfriend," Zero confirmed, with a subtle smile on his face. 

Chase's heart nearly exploded. 

"I knew it!" Jason exclaimed. 

"Me too," Oliver nodded. "To be frank, it looked like you guys were dating before you even got together officially."

"What do you mean?" Chase questioned. 

"Don't pretend like you don't know," Tyler snorted. "You guys always stare at each other with those lovey-dovey eyes and those lovey-dovey smiles. It's sickening," he finished with a dramatic gag. 

"Speaking of lovey-dovey, how's Sarah?" Oliver questioned, raising his brow at Tyler.

"Sarah? Who's that?" Tyler questioned.

"Your girlfriend?" 

"Oh, she's yesterday's story, I'm with another girl now," he said with a proud smile.

"What's her name?" Jason questioned. 

"I don't know, I never asked her," Tyler retorted. 

What happened after that was a blur - because Chase wasn't paying attention. He couldn't pay attention because of the way Zero's thumb was stroking the back of Chase's hand comfortingly - slowly yet surely driving him insane. 

Chase glanced over at Zero.

They shared a smile. 


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