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jouska (noun)

a hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.


day twelve -> part two.

Chase, Oliver, Jason, Tyler and Zero had met up after school had ended for the purpose of walking back home together. The rest of the boys were pleased with Zero's presence, because it had certainly been a while since they had last seen him. 

They had questioned him about his absence, however, they didn't receive a solid answer. And when Zero didn't take his usual path back home, their interrogations only intensified - to which Zero told them that he was planning to stay over at Chase's for a while. 

Safe to say, they faced a reasonable amount of teasing. 

Halfway through their journey back home, they noticed how the sky was overcrowded with dark, menacing clouds. A sudden thunderstorm sounded the air, and Chase would be lying if he said that the sudden disturbance hadn't scared him. 

"It looks like it's going to rain," Oliver commented - just as a droplet landed itself on the tip of Chase's nose. 

He scrunched his nose up instinctively, "Way to point out the obvious."

"I've never been this happy to see my home before," Jason sighed with relief. "I'll be going then, you guys stay safe okay?"

The boys waved at him in response and proceeded to walk towards their own homes. By then, it had begun to shower. It was nothing intense, but - Oliver, who was wearing his spectacles, found it incredibly annoying. And for that purpose, he went home earlier than he usually would. 

When the rain began to intensify, Chase remembered that he had brought an umbrella with him after having read the weather forecast for that day just before arriving at school. He rummaged through his bag in an attempt to find it just as they reached Tyler's home. Tyler bid them farewell and dashed into his abode whilst Zero only stared at Chase with increasing curiosity. 

"What are you doing?" he questioned. 

"Hold on," Chase spoke before pulling out the umbrella and zipping his bag back up. He put up the umbrella and raised it above himself, glancing over at Zero after having done so. "Come closer, you're going to get sick."

Zero grinned at Chase and complied, moving closer to his side - so much so that their shoulders were now in contact with each other. 

That simple action was enough to give way to a thousand butterflies in Chase's stomach, and he was sure that he was going to pass out any moment. 

Zero let out a pleased sigh, and neither of them said anything after that. 

They just walked the whole way back home with their shoulders brushing against each other and with incomprehensible smiles on their faces. 


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