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oubliette (noun)

a dungeon with a door only in the ceiling; a place where you put people to forget about them.


day twenty-two.

Chase had almost overslept that day. What Zero had assumed about Chase missing his bed had turned out to be nothing but the truth. 

After Chase had finished getting ready, he went to the living room so he could apologize to Zero for not having made breakfast that day. However, it appeared that Zero had already left. 

So, Chase walked to school alone in the pouring rain. He didn't even bother to utilize his umbrella, even though he had brought it along with him. He was too busy thinking about how Zero was pretending that the kiss hadn't even happened.

Even the way he had spoken to Chase the other day - he seemed so normal. So normal in fact that Chase had begun wondering whether he had hallucinated the entire ordeal with the kiss.

Thankfully, he wasn't late to class. He was, however, drenched.

He made his way over to his seat beside Zero silently, disregarding the numerous judgemental eyes he was receiving. 

"Why didn't you use an umbrella?" Zero whispered so as to not disrupt the class. 

"I felt like being one with nature today," Chase responded bluntly to which Zero let out a soft giggle. 

Shit. Why was his heart racing again?

Chase assumed that the harsh rejection he had faced that day would be enough for him to move on from Zero. However, that didn't seem to be the case. 

"I said I would tell you more about my mom's death," Zero spoke.

When Chase didn't respond, he continued, "Her funeral's being held tomorrow."

"You're going?" Chase questioned. 

Zero nodded, "I don't really want to, but I think I should."

Chase was about to respond, but Zero continued, "She used to tell me that I shouldn't dare even peek a glance at her coffin once she had passed. Usually, I would've listened - but I decided, why should I continue to follow her orders even after her death?"

"Understandable," Chase commented. "But won't it be difficult for you?"

"It won't be if you're there with me," Zero said, taking Chase by surprise. 

"What do you mean by that?"

Zero turned his head to face Chase, and with a small grin, he explained:

"I want you to go with me."


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