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eunoia (noun)

beautiful thinking; a well mind. 


day five. 

Chase's persistent fever still hadn't gotten any better - but again, he had decided to go to school. The reason being quite obvious. 

It was finally time for recess, and the boys, with the exception of Zero, met at their usual table. They had assumed that Zero was running late and would show up for the remaining lessons. Even though the topic of where Zero could be had died down, Chase still found himself thinking about the boy.

If only he knew where Zero lived. 

The boys had suggested that he try to ring Zero, however - he didn't have Zero's phone number. He did ask, however Zero had informed him that he didn't have a phone of his own, which Chase initially found peculiar yet decided to disregard. 

"Hello? Earth to Chase?" Jason called. 

Chase flinched back to reality, "Ah, I'm sorry - I was thinking."

"About Zero?" Tyler questioned. 

Chase searched Tyler's face for any sort of grin or smirk - however, he didn't see it. Tyler was being serious. Well, that's definitely a first. 

"Yeah," Chase sighed in defeat. 

"Hey, I heard that Chase is short for Chauncey. Is that true?" Oliver interrupted, trying to brighten the mood. 

Chase gave him a curt glare in response, "Do I look like a Chauncey to you?"

"Damn, guess not," Oliver mumbled, feeling slightly interrogated by the other male. 

"Zero not showing up to school is really having an ill effect on you, huh?" Jason questioned, remorse evident in his tone. "We're worried too, Chase. But if something was wrong, we'd know, right?"

Chase sighed and mumbled under his breath something along the lines of 'You wouldn't know because he would never tell anyone'. Thankfully, no one had heard him. 

Zero's absence, along with the constant migraines were beginning to drive Chase insane - and the other boys had noticed as well. He had seemed irritated all day and would snap at the smallest things. 

The boys decided to drop the topic for the day and carried on talking about the most recent anime they had watched, in hopes of bringing a smile to Chase's face. 

It didn't work.

Zero didn't show up to school that day.


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