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epiphany (noun)

a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of something that is very important to you.


day four.

Chase had slept through his alarm that day. As a result, he ended up showing to school about two hours late - and if that weren't bad enough, his head began to ache halfway through his Mathematics class, and whilst he would usually shrug it off as something normal - because let's face it, not many people find Math intriguing, Chase included - however, this time, his head was legitimately pounding

It got to the point where Chase had to pay the school nurse a visit, and it turns out he was struck with fever. 

 And to make matters even worse, even with such a pounding headache - he had decided to stay at school. The reason as to why is quite simple and to-the-point. He wanted to see Zero. 

He had promised Zero that he would make him change the way he perceived life in just thirty days - however, Zero hadn't shown up to school the past few days. 

Thus, Chase decided that he had nothing more to lose - so he stayed in school til the very last lesson, even though he spent most of his classes asleep. 

When the bell went off, indicating that it was time for everyone to go home, Chase's friends requested for him to walk home with them. He turned down the offer saying he had some extra tasks to complete at school. 

He had lied. He was staying back in case for whatever reason Zero decided to stop by. Now that he thinks about it, he found the idea quite silly. Why would Zero show up at school after school had ended for the day? There's no point in doing so. 

Nonetheless, he waited.

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours - and after two entire hours had passed, Chase decided to go home. 

That marked the third day in which Zero hadn't shown up to school. 


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