"He is good to look at"

"Is that what you thought of him when you people met the first time?"

"No, the very first I saw his smile and my lips quivered to its own accord and when he stepped closer, all I could feel was my quickening heartbeat and when I looked into his eyes, I felt as if those were made only to see me. Like literally see me. They are electric blue, by the way. Dark and deep. And on my second day of classes, I felt this unbeatable pull towards me. The way he was looking at me as  if he would let me drown in his eyes and keep me safe from everything"

A beat of silence.

"I have some theories. Hear me out. I am speaking my mind so don't interject. Maybe it's just the aftermath of sex, maybe you were spent very much and slept soundly or it could also be possible that your subconscious brain understands something that you're refusing to admit to yourself. You feel safe around him and his eyes make you peaceful and you and I both know, these are two emotions you're not familiar with. Maybe it's the guy that helped you because in corner of your mind you knew that he is gonna hold you all night and he will call you when you'll have nightmares. Maybe you were just not sick and tired of your life, maybe you were sick and tired of ignoring your feelings and you surrendered them last night to him. "

"I respect you Dr. but it's not possible. Let's be logical here"

"You ignored my first logic. Your brain only notices what you want to. I know the human mind more than you. take it from the professional, this is very much logical and possible. We have to understand the emotions of our patients along with their physical conditions. For instance, when someone says they are hurt or their heart is broken, we often take them as a dramatic person but sometimes people feel a physical ache in their heart. This suffering of severe pain and rapid heart muscle weakness and this broken heart syndrome is called Stress Cardiomyopathy. Likewise, it's also possible that a part of your brain is conscious of the fact that Kevin is safe and you don't have to alert around him"

I contemplate what she is saying over and over in my mind before speaking.

"I think you're right but we are not together and I don't want to use him for my objectives" I won't take advantage of him. Ever.

"And you should not. In addition to this, we are not sure which theory is correct. So, let's do something. Where are you right now?"

"In college"

"And when are you reaching back to your place?"

"At 6"

"Good. When you go back to your place, try doing some physical work. Don't kill yourself out of fatigue. Work out for few hours or run or dance or whatever you deem perfect then hit your bed but not before eating a heavy meal. If you don't get nightmares then congrats you have got your cure but if you get them then, Alexia,  you need this guy"

"I'll update you by tomorrow. Thank you for your time"

"I owe you this much and I'm always here to help you, anytime"

I look over my shoulder and spot Kevin, his teammates, and my friends coming with two other guys.

"I gotta go my pals are coming over"

"See you then"

"Who were you talking to in hush-hush whisper?" Ed asks mimicking me.

"Family doctor"

"Anything serious?"

"No. I was just checking on my family's health update. We all do"

"They are good?"

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