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Being a light sleeper, any sound no matter how little woke me up. And the sound of my locked door being picked did just that. I sighed hearing my bedroom door opening quietly. Glancing at the clock on my nightstand, the time read 3:09 am. Which only meant one thing.

He had picked my lock and snuck in again. My body tensed up as I tried my best to lay still, so he'd think I was asleep.

"Wake yo ass up." The deep voice whispered into the dark. That deep harsh voice belonging to my cousin, Brian. Ignoring him, I laid still, playing possum. Every other night, he would sneak into my room and start touching me. My mom worked the night shift at the hospital, leaving just my father. Brian didn't care nor did he fear getting caught by my dad. This started shortly after he moved in.

Brian was just released from jail for assault and battery after serving five years. After he came home, his dad tried to get him on the straight and narrow but all of his attempts failed. His parents had enough and decided it'd be best he moved in with us so my father could discipline him.

Everyone knew my dad did not play that shit. Brian's crazy ass had a short fuse, but the only one who could handle him was my father.

Ever since he got out of County, he's been acting like he got a chip on his shoulder. He was rarely here and when he was he just stayed in his room. Only coming out when it was time to eat. When he first came, he barely acknowledged my parents. His ass barely acknowledged me. And to be honest, the feeling was mutual. With a nine-year age gap between us we weren't exactly close.

So imagine how surprised I was when he first snuck into my room. I was asleep but woke up when suddenly, I was suffocating. Brian had his weight pressed on me while he applied pressure with his forearm to my throat. His dark eyes were soulless staring into my panicking ones. Like it pleasured him to see me terrified. He told me if I said anything by the time he was done with me, my face would be unrecognizable. He didn't remove his arm until I was on the brink of passing out to ensure I got the message.

I knew he meant it too. His reputation spoke for itself and I was not about to test it. He wasn't bluffing and would have no problem killing me.

He terrified me. A part of me wanted to say fuck that! And tell on this nigga. Growing up, whenever I watched movies or read books where a character was being molested, I couldn't understand why they never spoke up. Always claiming if that was me I'd be quick to tell.   But now that I was in the same predicament, I see exactly why victims are afraid to tell anyone.

So I keep my mouth shut because I know Brian don't got it all in the head. He was deranged and I was afraid of how ugly the outcome would be if I told. If my father knew, he'd have Brian locked up at the drop of a dime. That is, If he didn't kill him first. Or what if my parents didn't believe me. Those thoughts alone kept me from speaking out and suffering in silence.

Brian walked to my side of the bed. Standing in nothing but his boxers and all-white socks. His tall frame towered over me. He slowly pulled the covers off me. Revealing my long pajama pants and a tank top.

I still didn't move a single muscle. Hoping he get the hint that his actions were unwanted. I could feel my irritation building. I wish this nigga would go back to jail. Or go back to his damn parents house. I miss being comfortable in my own home. Now it was like walking on eggshells around here.

"Mhmm mhm mhm," He groaned as he stared at me hungrily. A glint in his eyes as he licked his lips.

Despite being covered, he still managed to be turned on. I have smooth brown skin tone. Even though I was a small b cup, my breast were perky, sitting up perfectly fine without a bra. I was slim and toned thanks to track. My butt wasn't big but it was perfect for my small frame.

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