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As soon as we walked into class the first person my eyes landed on was Trigga. The class didn't start yet so he was on his phone. As if he felt me staring at him, he looked up making eye contact. My heart lurched. His face blank, void of any emotion. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I quickly looked away, avoiding eye contact as I made my way to my seat which was in front of him.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I could feel him staring a hole in the back of my head. To keep me from overthinking, I directed my attention to Mrs. Greenwell. She was of those teachers that were quick to kick a student out or call security on them for the littlest thing.

"Okay class, now that we're back from winter vacation it's time to get to work. You guys will be pairing up in groups of two's and working on a project together." She explained causing everyone to groan.

"That's right, a project. Every group is responsible for creating their calendars charting the dates of key events." She held up a box and shook it. "One person from every group is going to pick a paper from this box and on the paper is going to be the historical event that you will be making the calendar on. And no you are not choosing your partner, I will decide who's working with who." She finished and everyone groaned even louder.

She began walking around the class and assigning partners. When she got to me, I sat up hoping I'd get Tyler or at least someone smart for a partner.

"Laurel, you're partner is going to be Mr. Crawford. It's just easier for you to turn around and work together. Now pick a topic for your calendar." She said making my heart skip a beat in my chest. A few girls in the class sucked their teeth and rolled their eyes.

I dug in the box and chose the first paper my fingers touched. Opening the folded piece of paper, I saw that we had to make a calendar on the battles of the Civil War.

"Now that everyone has their partners and know what event their working on, for the rest of class I want you and your partner to research on your phones. Work together guys, this is due two weeks from now. This project is worth 50 points, failing to do it is an automatic F in the class."

I looked across the class where Tyler was sitting to find him already staring at me. He smirked and sipped his imaginary tea before turning around to talk to his partner.

Putting my nervousness aside, I turned around in my seat so that I was facing Trigga. He was on his phone not paying me any attention. He didn't ask what event we had to work on so I knew he didn't care about this project. If he thought I was doing all the work while he got the credit he had another thing coming.

While he was distracted with his phone, I took the chance to observe him. Now that I was closer to him, I could see that he was even finer in person.

He left one button on his shirt undone but I could only see a peek of his chest tat. A few tattoos more tattoos decorated one arm. He had a small scar on his right eyebrow that left a slit. His cologne smelled good and I can tell it was expensive. Just looking at his clothes and the Fendi backpack he had next to his designer shoes, I can tell he cared about his looks.

He looked up and caught me staring. He smirked a little before looking back down on his phone. Feeling embarrassed, I quickly pulled out my phone and began researching. I thought I would be able to start a conversation with him about the project but I just couldn't get my mouth to work.

"Lemme see." Trigga's voice startled me. It was deep yet raspy. Looking up he held out his hand for the piece of paper. I gave it to him before looking down at my phone. I already got caught staring at him twice and I didn't wanna make it a third.

"Civil war huh?" He questioned while looking at me. I nodded in response.

"We just gotta make a calendar or some shit?" He asked causing me to nod again.

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