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An adolescent Travis ran to the closet with a firm hold on his little brother's hand. The closet was in the living room and was used for storage. Besides the boxes currently occupying the space, It had plenty of room for Travis and Tavarus to hide in.

Opening the door, Travis pushed the little boy in and began to stack some of the boxes in front of him so Tavarus could be hidden. Usually, Travis would be covering the both of them, but today, he was done hiding.

"What about you?" Tavarus squealed.

Looking into his brother's big brown eyes, Travis felt bad seeing the panic and fear in them. "Not today T, I gotta stop pops before he hurt her for real this time. No matter what you hear, don't move till I come back and get you aight?"

He waited until Tavarus nodded, to continue. After piling two more boxes, Travis could no longer see his sibling. Closing the closet, Travis released a shaky breath before heading towards the back of the house. Where the closer he got, the louder the commotion seem to grow.

"Bitch you must think I'm fucking stupid! I know when you holding out on me!" Lance yelled in Wanda's face.

Lance was the epitome of a strong black man. He was tall with sleek dark skin and muscles of steel. He had charming brown eyes, straight pearly white teeth, and a low cut with waves.

At least that's what he used to look like. After years of drug abuse, Lance's blemish-free dark skin was now dull and he had a face full of acne breakouts. He had missing teeth and the few that were there were brown. In the crook of his arms lay needle marks and little wounds from constantly picking at his skin.

His shiny wavy hair was now gone. Other than a few patches of hair here and there, he was bald. Instead of his built frame, he resembled a stick figure. He had lost so much weight, his rib cage poked through. Travis didn't know who this man was. This was not the man he once knew.

"Fuck you, Lance! I ain't gotta give you shit!" Wanda yelled back, even louder.

Wanda was a gorgeous brown-skinned plump woman. She had a smile so bright that would reach her eyes and make her whole face seem lighter. Men and even women ogled at her hips and thighs. She had a robust chest and an ample bottom.

Unfortunately, like Lance, she too was another victim of heroine. Her once full and kinky hair was now short and damaged. Her bright smile was now bright for a different reason. Yellow and chipped with a few teeth missing, due to Lance's abuse. As for her once full figure, she was now a bag of bones.


A loud thud was heard as Wanda's body hit the ground. Quickly, Lance straddled her frail body and began to lay blow after blow. Completely oblivious to his son watching him. The hard sounds of his dad's fist colliding with his mom's skull echoed in Travis's ears. A sound he would remember forever.

Even after Wanda was no longer screaming, Lance continued to pummel her face in. Travis's heart was beating so fast. The sight of his mom on the brink of death sent him into a frenzy.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Travis rushed his father catching him off guard. His little fists hit Lance any and everywhere he could. Tears spewed out of his eyes as he went into a blind rage. He was sick of seeing his mom being treated like a punching bag.

Travis caught his father's elbow to the chest. The blow knocked him down instantly. Lance hit him so hard that he literally knocked the wind out of him. Feeling like he couldn't breathe, Travis laid out on the ground, wheezing.

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