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I sat on the landing at the top of the stairs waiting for the drama I knew for sure was about to unfold. It was one clock in the morning, I had school in the morning, but I couldn't miss this. The sound of Fannie angrily stomping down the stairs woke me up. David was working late again.

I had been living with my aunt and her husband for about a month now and was slowly adjusting. They did their best to make sure I was comfortable. I knew I was safe. The only thing I couldn't seem to shake was the nightmares. It was hard to sleep because I was so used to Brian sneaking in. I kept getting  this dreaded feeling that he would find me.

But since I've been here, I can't help but notice that my aunt and uncle were going through a rough patch in their marriage. Lately, David's been so engrossed with his work that he's been neglecting Fannie in the process. David was a corporate attorney at some big law firm. He was usually gone in the morning and home by evening. But lately, he's been coming in past midnight.

The white silk nightgown and matching robe flowed behind Fannie as she paced back and forth. Her breasts jiggled at each stride. Her once-beat face now bare. A scarf sat on top of her head while body wave curls cascaded down her back. I felt bad for Fannie as I watched her get angrier by the minute. David had done it this time. They were supposed to go out tonight. She did her hair, makeup, nails, and everything. But David never showed up.

Fannie's manicure fingers dialed on her phone. Most likely trying to reach David again. "Dammit!" She cursed getting his voicemail. Throwing her phone onto the couch, she began pacing again.

I listened as the sound of David slowly unlocking the door can be heard. You can tell he was trying to discreet but little did he know me and Fannie both could hear him. Fannie immediately came to a halt. She stood with her hands on her wide hips as she watched him try to sneak in. The door slowly opened and David carefully tip toed in. Softly closing the door and locking it, David sighed in relief.

"Shit!" Turning around, David jumped when he finally saw Fannie. He chuckled nervously loosening his tie. "Fannie, baby, what are you doing up?"

Remaining quiet, Fannie refused to answer. I can tell her quietness was starting to make David anxious. Any other night, she'd be cursing up a storm and going off on him. Instead, she was mute. I was nervous for him my damn self, ain't no telling what she was about to do.

"I'm gone ask you this one time and one time only. Where the fuck was you at?" Fannie asked calmly. As calm as her voice was, it couldn't hide the anger behind it that showed how pissed she was.

Sighing, David put his briefcase down. "I'm sorry Fannie, I got caught up at work. I was going over paperwork and just lost the track of time."

"So not only did you missed our reservations tonight, you gone stand there and lie in my fucking face! I called the office and they said you left hours ago. I waited all night and you never showed. Couldn't even call me or bother to answer your damn phone! What the fuck was you doing that you couldn't talk to me!"

David's eyes opened widely. "Shit. I'm sorry baby I forgot about our reservations. After work, I had to meet with a client to go over their finances. This is a big client that I just can't afford to lose right now. Not while I'm trying to make partner. I was so busy, I completely forgot about our plans. Can I make it up to you?" He started walking towards her.

Shaking her head, Fannie held her hand up. "Why couldn't you have called and told me that? I've been calling you non stop for hours and not once did you answer. Not even a simple text. You mean to tell me you were with a client for four fucking hours! What the fuck where you doing?"

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