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Travis discreetly hid in the bushes, watching the corner boy sell what had destroyed his family.

Travis was now thirteen and puberty hit out of nowhere. One morning he just woke up he had facial hair and his voice was deep. He had taken after Lance's height and could easily be mistaken for an adult. 

Now that his father was dead, he had to be the man of the house. It was up to him to look out for his little brother because they couldn't depend on their momma for shit. Adults always think kids are too young to understand their mistakes, but what they fail to realize is that kids are always watching. 

Travis saw all the final notices and past due bills slowly piling up. If he didn't do something quick, they were gonna be on the streets. Problem was, that he wasn't old enough to get a job. Even if he was, minimum wage wasn't going to help him. He had grown man problems so he needed that fast money. 

It was 3 clock in the morning and he had left his little brother in the care of their neighbor, Ms. Shirley. His mom had been gone for two days now and they ran out of food. Travis had to do something. Her disappearing acts were nothing new. She'll go on a binge and be missing for days or weeks. But she always returned like nothing ever happened. Never bothered to ask if they had eaten or gone to school. She just simply didn't care, and it hurt, but Travis slowly found himself not caring.

He stood there watching the dealer's every move like clockwork. Thinking of a master plan. He watched as the boy walked out of a little dark space that was behind the corner store with a customer. Their transaction was less than a minute. 

Travis had been watching him for a while and he could admit, the boy wasn't lazy. He worked hard, the only thing was, he moved in a routine. Which made it easier for a nigga like Travis to rob him.  

 It was only one person on the corner dealing. The streets were somewhat deserted except for some crackheads copping from the dealer. This should be easy. He'll be in and out before anyone could see. 

Unbeknownst to Travis, or the corner boy, Jahari was in the beat-up black Honda parked across the street. He was completely hidden and low-key. No one would suspect Jahari was in there. Being the flashy nigga he was, the only cars he was seen driving were Mercedes and BMWs. The Honda was the perfect disguise for him.

He liked to check in on his workers from time to time to make sure they weren't slacking or doing something they ain't had no business doing. But the boy on the corner wasn't just any dealer, he was Jahari's little cousin. He had put him up on game and was watching him, to see if he could handle the corner by himself.

Jahari pulled on his blunt watching a tall young boy approach his cousin. His street intuition immediately kicked in. He sat up watching everything unfold. 

Travis walked up to the boy trying to appear as normal as possible. "Wassup, whatchu want?" The boy looked Travis over. They were the same height but he was older than Travis. He had to be in his early twenties.

"Lemme get a twenty." Travis answered, trying to appear calm.  

It felt like it took forever for the dealer to respond, and Travis was ready to back out but then he nodded. "Follow me." The boy started walking towards the alley behind the store. 

The alley was a tight space and dimly lit with the streetlight above their headsTravis followed him deep into the cut where the boy kept his stash. The dealer picked up a black Jansport bag that he had hidden in the corner. The basic bag brought back a bittersweet memory of when he had one in elementary. When life was good. Travis watched him dig through the bag thinking it was now or never. 

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