15. Part 2

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We had been driving for a good thirty minutes now and I was losing my patience. I was getting sleepy and didn't want to fall asleep, wanting to remember the route this nigga was taking. Since he basically kidnapped me.

I squinted trying to see the road. I don't know how the hell he was able to drive through all of this fuzziness. We were surrounded by nothing but trees. I glanced at the clock seeing it was going on forty minutes now.

Just as I was about to question where the hell he was taking me, I saw a building in the nearby distance. The closer we got the more raggedy the structure appeared. To my dismay, he parked right in front of it.

"What the hell are we doing at an abandoned warehouse?" I asked turning to face him only to see his back since he was already getting out of the car. He walked to my side and opened the door. "Let's go."

Cautiously getting out of the car, I observed my surroundings. We were surrounded by nothing but nature. Not another building in sight. "Trigga what's going on?" I asked on the verge of tears. Now I was scared.

His face softened. "If you come inside, I'll explain it to you." Grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers together he guided me towards the entrance of the warehouse. I didn't know what I was walking into.

"Ohh my God!" I screamed, alerting everyone in the room. Three niggas turned around and looked at me in shock. Out of the three, I only recognized one. Bentley.

I know screaming made me look pussy but I couldn't hold it in at the sight of a badly beat-up Brian. Unconscious, one of his eyes was blue and swollen shut making his face look slightly deformed. His lips were busted and his right jaw was oddly poking out letting me know it was dislocated. And I didn't miss the imprints of boot marks on his chest.

They had Brian tied up to a chair with a plastic sheet spread out underneath him. I glanced around the room that was dusty and old.
Nearby was a steel work table that was filled  with all types of shit. From daggers to pliers,
it was all types of shit on the table.

"Trig w-what is this?" I looked at him for answers.

"Yeah Trig. What the fuck is this?" Bentley hissed pointing at me. Curiosity was on the other two boy's faces.

"Yo chill the fuck out! I got this." Trigga responded. While they were going back and forth, too busy arguing, neither of them was paying attention to Brian's fingers that was moving as he looked like he was becoming more alert.

Brian's good eye blinked a few times before they landed on me. Squinting a little, suddenly  his face contorted in a mug. "You bitch!" He spat. Making me gasp. All conversations ceased and everyone's head snapped in his direction.

My heart pounded rapidly as the sudden feeling of deja vu hit me. Brian's face looked similar to the dream I had earlier. With the way he was seething plus the injuries on his face. He looked like a rabid dog.

"You set this shit up! Huh! Bitch you set this up!" He thundered making me jump. "Oh I get it. You fucking one of these niggas or something? I knew you was a fucking slut! Just like yo mama! Oomph!" He grunted when one of the boys punched him dead in the mouth shutting him up.

I didn't even realize when I moved but the next thing I know, I was standing right in front of Brian. I was so close to him I could count every bruise on his face and chest. And now that I was up close, I could see that they really fucked him up. The nigga was even missing teeth.

The other two boys whose names I still didn't know stepped back giving Brian and me some room.

"Did you know?" I asked him quietly.

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