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My alarm was buzzing next to me but I was already up. Stopping the alarm, I resumed staring off into space. I felt so empty inside. It's been a week since my father has passed and I'm still in shock. I can't believe I now have to go the rest of my life without him in it. I keep expecting him to come through the front door in his police uniform. Whistling like he always did.

The fire explosion is still being reported all over the news. There's an investigation being conducted to determine if the cause is foul play. I couldn't even stomach watching the news, just the thought of the explosion possibly being caused by someone made me sick. I didn't even bothered going to school. My father was loved by everyone in the community. I don't want no sympathy or a pity party from anyone.

That night, after the chief of the police left, I tried to sleep with my mom in my parent's room, but it was too painful. Not only was I swarmed with memories of my father, but my mom kept calling out his name in her sleep. She was literally crying in her sleep. It hurt me seeing her that way.

Today was Saturday, the day my mom and I say our final goodbyes to my father. There was so much he was going to miss. Me walking across that stage accepting my diploma. My first day of college. His grandkids would grow up without a grandpa. I always thought he would be there for those moments, and what's killing me is the reality that he's not.

I got up from the bed and gathered my toothbrush and towel. The house was dead quiet. It had been like that for a while since that night. After brushing my teeth and taking a shower, I moisturized my body. Slipping on my black dress and black heels, I began flat ironing my hair. Once I was done, I styled in it a slick low ponytail and gelled my edges.

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs where some of my family members were already ready. There were Brian and his parents, Clyde and Kenya. My grandparents from both sides of the family. And then there was my favorite aunt, Fannie, and her husband David. Fannie was my father's sister and being the baby of the family, she and my father were very close. She could never hold her tongue and had the personality of a firecracker. Her curvaceous figure was bold and she had the attitude to match.

I went and took a seat next to her and laid my head on her shoulder. "I missed you," I mumbled causing her to smile. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder pulling me into a warm hug. A hug I desperately needed right now.

Looking up, I caught Brian discreetly staring causing me to shift in my seat. Aunt Fannie must've noticed. "You wanna put yo' eyes back in yo head boy." She slit her eyes at him. One thing about Fannie, she gone call yo' ass out. Regardless of who's around.

Brian looked her up and down before scoffing and looking the other way. "Brian." His mom gritted at him. I can tell she was embarrassed. By now everyone was quiet and looking our way being nosey.

There was a knock at the door and I quickly went to go answer it, desperate to escape the tension. Looking through the peephole, I saw Tyler and his mom. I was so glad he came to support me I wouldn't be able to do this without him. Opening the door, I greeted them and led them back to where everyone else was.

The sound of heels clicking down the stairs captured everyone's attention. It was silent as we all watched my mom pitifully take her time walking down. Wearing an all-black dress paired with black stockings and black heels. Her big shades so dark you couldn't see her eyes. Judging from the constant sniffling she was doing, she'd been crying all morning.

"Well if it ain't the black widow herself," Fannie mumbled under her breathe. Although she stated it in a tone that said she didn't care if anyone heard her or not. "Fannie!" David hissed as quietly as he could, nudging her with his shoulder. "Can't take yo ass nowhere." He mumbled under his breathe.

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