Chapter 49: "I Want You"

Start from the beginning

"Well" Tyler began saying as I changed into my sweatpants and shirt, "Amber, I have to say. I'm not at all surprised that you would make out with Cameron"

"What do you mean? Of course I wouldn't" I chuckled confussedly as I opened the curtain and sat down on the seat next to him.

"Oh honey" he began rubbing my back, "You cried over him for almost half a year. Maybe more than that. You loved him too much to stop. Ever"

"I told you to not talk about my not so happy time" I spat.

"You mean your depression?" Tyler insisted.

"I was not depressed" I said loudly. My freshman year at Stanford was a bit lonely and so I was sad most of the time. Tyler calls it depression, but it wasn't. I was just homesick, really homesick. Homesick? Really? We both know that's not true. My conscience spat. I shook the thoughts off and focused on ny conversation with Tyler. By now he was going on and on about me being sad at Stanford. I just muted him in my mind and thought about anything really. Puppies, Netflix. But mostly Netflix and how I needed to watch Gossip Girl again.




Afted the fitting, we took a cab to the hotel and I went straight to the room. I entered slowly and camly, not wanting Ricky to notice I was here. He was sleeping, thankfully. I wasn't mad anymore, just dissapointed really. Plus, I did overreact a bit. I didn't want to wake him up so I just went to Cameron and Tyler's room. They were sharing one. I was hoping to talk to Tyler a bit more. Just so we could finish out conversation. Yeah right. You know you just want to see Cameron.

I stared at the door a full eight seconds before getting the courage to knock on it. What if Tyler was at the pool or something? I chuckled at my stupidness and just knocked.

"Amber" Cameron said cockily while smirking. I just wanted to slap that smirk off.

"Can I come in?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Want Doritos?" he said offering me a small bag.

"That's not what I want to talk about" I groaned, "But I will take the Doritos" I said taking the small bag, only to find it was empty.

"You're an ass"

"I'm human. But I do have a pretty awesome ass" Yes he does. Ugh! Really? Right now? Then, I noticed he was shirtless and a bit sweaty. Wait no, he smelled good so he had just taken a shower, most probably. I found myself gulping as I stared at his glistening abs.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" he smirked lifting my chin with his index finger.

"You know, you're abs used to be hotter four years ago" I teased. Obviously I was lying. I mean, for god sakes. His abs were god damn perfect. You really got to stop thinking about Cameron in a sexual way. I know.

"What are you here for?" he asked biting his plump bottom lip. His eyes made their way to mine and he cracked a small smile.

"I'm here for Tyler" I coughed awkwardly.

"He's at the bar"

"Oh. Then I'll just go" I chuckled awkwardly attempting to walk past him.

"Wait. Stay. Please" he said grabbing my arm and as I turned around my hand moved a bit causing it to collide with Cameron's rock hard abs. Almost immeadiately, I pulled my hand away and gulped.

"You have goose bumps" he said grinning evilly, "Here, let me warm you" he said wrapping his arms around me. I wish I could tell him that hugging me isn't really gonna help with the goose bumps. But of course, he already knows it.

I pulled away a bit harshly, "Now that I'm here. We need to finish our conversation"

"About last night?" he asked burrying his lips in his mouth.

"About last night" I confirmed.

"I never should have let you kiss me" he frowned.

"Wait. I kissed you?" I asked amused. You know you're not shocked. Shut up.

"You pratically harrassed me" he chuckled making me blush like crazy. How could I have been so horny? By now, tears started to fill my eyes, but I blinked them away. Refusing to feel any guilt whatsoever about this particular situation. I was drunk. I was drunk. I was drunk. I kept repeating in my head trying to make it sound like a good enough excuse. But it wasn't.

"I don't regret it, you know? Not even for a second" Cameron barely whispered. I found myself smiling like an idiot but as I noticed I replaced it with a smirk.

"Still, I'm engaged. And I love him. And it probably wouldn't have even happened if I wasn't drunk" I said refusing to feel the least bit happy. But failing miserably.

"I know you don't remember the kiss, but I do" Cameron said stepping closer to me placing his hands on my waist, "First, you grabbed my shirt" he said placing my hands on his bare chest, "Then, you told me to shut up and placed those beautiful lips on mine" he stated stroking my bottom lip with his thumb as his eyes stared hungrily at them, "After, my hands made their way to your lower back. And I told you to jump and so you did" he chuckled and I bit my lip hard, causing it to bleed a little. His hands were softly placed at my upper butt. Suddenly, I felt his plump lips on my neck. I found myself not being able to stop him. As much as I knew this was wrong in a million ways, it just felt too right to stop. His lips slowly made their way to my soft spot. Taking their time. I bit my lip resisting the intense urge to moan. But found myself doing it anyway.

"Stop" I pushed him away before things got any further. He didn't listen and kissed me hungrily. Adding tongue almost immediately. This gesture snapped me out of my previous pleasure filled day dream and I slapped him, hard.

"I don't get you" he said frustrated.

"What don't you get? Why are you being so pushy! What is it you want from me Cameron?" I shouted.

"You! Okay! I want you! I want everything. I want to be able to wake up every day next to that beautiful face of yours and give you a good morning kiss while you bicker about how I have morning breath. I want to fight about stupid things like we used to and I want you to say how much of a jackass I am. I want to kiss you any time I want and not worry about hurting someone else's feelings! I want you to come to me with your problems and let me cuddle with you until you fall asleep curled up in my arms. I want to watch Netflix with you every night because I know how much you love it. I want to be able to scream to the world that you're mine whenever I want. I want to see you wearing an engagement ring that isn't from somebody that isn't me! I want you to know how I felt like an idiot letting you go that prom night four years ago! I want you to know how sorry I am that I didn't fight for you! And I want you to know that I love you, Amber. More than life itself! And that I would do absolutely anything to have the priviledge to call you mine again"

"I can't listen to this. Goodbye Cameron" I said sobbing and slamming the door behind me. I leaned against it and cried.

"I would do absolutely anything to have the priviledge to call you mine again"

If it were only that simple, Cameron Dallas.

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