Chapter 8: Relentless Hunters

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Mindless missions every month, kill this noble who was going to betray the Empire one time and then the next it's kill a Rebel general. Everyone's gotten more and more comfortable with each other as time went on and honestly, having everyone be more and more active while we're free gives me a hell of a lot less to worry about. Well, other than those things they refused to tell me but everyone holds secrets. Like how no one knows what I've been researching in my off time.

One last Oarburgh member still alive, now they're with one of the Rebel Army's assassination teams while Night Raid has become more and more infamous in the Empire. We even had to take a few body-guarding missions. Last we heard, we got the Teigu Extase when we were on our latest mission. Now? We were just waiting on something new.

Charlotte: "Leader! Give us something to do!" She appeared from behind my seat, a smile on her face that's grown more and more from that fake one when this team was first established. We've all grown in our own ways to say the least. Still though...

(Y/N): "That isn't how missions work, you know."

Violet: "Please, just give her some chores to do or something so she stays quiet. Even I have a limit to my patients." Cooking was out, Kurome was already making something to eat while I took a bit of a break for myself and Charlotte would actually blow something up this time compared to when we last let her do that. There was no cleaning to do, and honestly she'd probably do well if she actually needed to clean around here.

Charlotte: "Come on, the last mission we've had was a month ago and Poney and Kurome did most of the work there."

(Y/N): "Well, that's because you aren't the best for stealthy missions and those two-"

Poney: "(Y/N)!" The door nearly flies off its hinges as she kicks the door open as I jump to my feet, Poney clearly out of breath as I rush towards her with Harbinger in hand.

(Y/N): "Is someone chasing you? Any of the-"

Poney: "No, no don't worry about that. But is Kurome here?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, why?"

Poney: "Well, the-"

Honest: "The wielder of Harbinger and Yatsufusa are here, correct?" There's an obvious reason to panic when the Minister is here. It usually leads to bad news to whoever was in front of him if it wasn't to his liking as I rushed into the kitchen and dragged Kurome out and bowed.

(Y/N): "The two of us, sir. How may we help?" I was ready to knock the cookie Kurome was snacking on out of her hands but stopped to catch two cards thrown at us.

Honest: "You two have been selected for a security squad for the Empire. You'll meet your other teammates and leader at that date and place."

(Y/N): "Wait, but-"

Honest: "I'm not here to answer your questions. Ask them to your leader." He left almost as quickly as he arrived, the tense atmosphere swapping to one of worry. What happens to the other four now if we're not here? I needed faster answers, not for this to be left up in the air until then.

Cidd: "So, boss? Kurome?"

Kurome: "It's up to him."

(Y/N): "If they need us, I'll help out but we're still a team. You guys are my first priority, so I'll see what I can do to make sure all of you stay alive."

Poney: "...And that's exactly why you're the leader." I scoffed a little, flicking Poney's head and gave a calming smile.

(Y/N): "You're taking over until I settle all of this out, all right?"

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