I stood up from my seat and went towards the two and bowed.

"Greetings, William onii-sama, Henry onii-sama. What brings your sudden visit?"

"Did we not tell you to call us by our name?" William asks, his face showing discomfort.

I sighed inwardly. Even if I'm older than them mentally, physically they're older and they're royalty. Well, seeing them being persuasive I see no problem.

"I'm sorry William-sama and Henry-sama." I corrected my self.

The two smiled, satisfied.

"We're sorry for not informing you, but we would love for you to join us on the hunting event." Henry announced.

I stared at the two. Wondering if I heard wrong, I look at Mark. As if reading my thoughts, he nods.

"Uhm. I have yet received permission from my Father if I am allowed to participate in this year's hunting event."

"Surely Marquess Albert will allow Royse. I have heard rumors that your swordsmanship and archery ability is that of a master." William stated.

I look at Mark.

'Didn't I tell you.'

Mark must have understood my thought as he only sighed in silence.

"That's merely overestimating me. But I would love to join this year's hunting event if possible." I smiled sadly on purpose. If Mark doesn't think I should participate this year, then I'll use these two to make Father allow me.

"Then we will talk with the Marquess. Don't worry, we'll be there for you." William excitedly assured.

And that's how I was able to join the annual hunting event. Satoru commented on how 'sly' I was. I think 'desperate' is the right word.

"Are you excited Royse dear?" Mother asks. We were currently on our way to the destination. Since this will be my first time participating, I felt my adrenaline taking over me.

"Yes. I'm so excited! I will catch us a big deer!" I proudly announced.

"I'm sure Rosey will do amazing!!!" Aneki excitedly declared.

We arrived at the Hunting Grounds. We headed towards the gazebo and saw the other nobles gathered. There were also tents for the medical team.

"Greetings Marquess Frostenden! I look forward to this year's hunting event." Greeted a noble middle-age man.

"As I you, Viscount Vazquez."

"Will Sir Royse be participating?" Ask the curious Viscount as he looks at me.

"Yes. We decided to allow Royse to participate."

"My. That is incredible! I have heard that Royse is a prodigy, not only in his studies but also in combat." Complimented Viscount Vazquez's wife. I could only smile at the couple.

"I am very much grateful to hear such words, but I'm afraid rumors overestimate me too much." I replied.

"I doubt that." Spoke someone.

The person then walked in front of us.

"Your Majesty!" All of us bowed.

"Please raise your heads." We rose our heads. King Alden looks at me and smiled fondly. It still felt awkward speaking with the king despite visiting the castle often.

Transmigration as an Unknown Character! | 僕の妹の大好きな乙女ゲームで, 未知のキャラクターとして移住しました!Where stories live. Discover now