"let me follow you there, kookie! i miss you."

"i miss you too but i won't let you. we talked about this, you cannot follow me, you need to stay there and be healthy."

"eh! i'm always healthy! i'll be more healthy if you let me follow you."

"tzu you can't okay. even if i tell my parents to fetch you there using my private plane, they won't approve. they know you are pregnant."

i wiped my tears. "i wanna hug you now, can you come back here for a while?"

"it's too hassle tzu."

"i'm gonna go back to the kitchen and wash the dishes, don't let her cry for long." namjoon oppa said and exited my room.

"stop crying tzu."

"how? he's making me cry!"

"and you're making him cry too, tzu." i examined his face. "he's not even crying, there are no tears forming in his eyes!"

"of course tzu he's a man, they can hide their feelings very well."

"you can follow namjoon hyung downstairs, jihyo. i'll handle her."

"you sure, kook?"

"yeah, she won't listen to you when she's like this."

"fine, call me if you want to eat mangoes tzu or if you need anything." she stand up and exited my room.

"come back here for a while please!"

"listen to me, baby listen to me."

"even if i want to go home, i can't. i'm still gonna wake up early because i need to go to the place where they are gonna build the building."

"and why aren't you sleeping yet?!"

"because i promised my baby that i'll call her, and how the hell can i sleep when you fucking ended the call without letting me finish."

"because i was mad at you."

"and that's why i can't sleep because i know you are mad at me."

"i.. just miss you really bad." i confessed. "i miss you too don't worry."

"i feel like i'm making it hard for jihyo unnie and namjoon oppa. they needed to work but they couldn't leave me alone."

"i know that's why i want this to finish as soon as possible."

"and don't overwork yourself, you might die before i give birth." he chuckled. "i won't die tzu, i'll be there before you give birth."

"promise?" i showed him my pinky finger. he chuckled again and showed his. "promise."

i smiled. "you should sleep now, if you have a free time, go to sleep instead of working or i'll seriously follow you there."

"as if i'm letting you, even if you had the chance to escape the hyungs and the girls, mingyu will follow you in the airport."

"then i'll go to the other airport so he can't follow me."

"and he still can since he has a lot of connections when it comes to airport tzuyu." i pouted. "fine."

"you should sleep too, did you already drink your vitamins?"

oh did--OH SHOOT. "i forgot--" the door opened. "tzuyu! you forgot to drink your vitamins! good thing namjoon remembered!"

i took the glass of water from her and the tablet from her hands and drank it immediately. "don't worry jungkook! she's in good hands! i won't let her eat her mangoes if she don't follow me!"

"unnie not my mangoes!"

"it's almost nine tzu, you should sleep. i'll be going now, take care jungkook!" and then she went out. "i already did." i smiled at him.

"now go to sleep."

"i don't want to."

"but i wanna sleep."

"i want to watch you how you sleep--"

"but my phone will run out of batteries--"

"then charge it now so i can watch you."

"no, we are both sleeping okay."

"fine. but i will eat some mangoes before i sleep."

"then after that, do not forget to brush your teeth okay, and sleep."

"arasseo. take care, kookie." i sent him a flying kiss. he chuckled while catching it. "i recieved it already." and that made me laugh.

"i love you."

i pouted. "i love you too."

"i'll go now, sleep well baby." he kissed the screen and i giggled at his action. i waved and waiting for him to end the call.

i put my phone in the bed and stand up. i opened the door and went outisde, but before i reach the stairs i saw namjoon oppa. "oh tzu where are you going?"

"i'm just gonna get some mangoes oppa."

"i'll get it, you should stay in your room and rest, jihyo will be mad at me."

"eh are you sure?"

"of course i am this is nothing, just wait me in your room." and then he went downstairs. i shrugged and went back inside.

a few minutes later, he arrived. "sleep after this tzu, jungkook would not like it if you stay up so late."

"if you wake up in the middle of the night don't hesitate to wake me up, i'll go get your mangoes."

"ne, gomawo." he gave me a smile and exited my room.

hmm... should i escape and follow jungkook there? but how? i can escape later but what about mingyu.

i grabbed my phone while eating. "hello?"

"mingyu-ssi." i called.

"oh you want mangoes?" he asked.

"can you help me escape? i want to follow him."

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