Redguard Huntress - Karli

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Name: Karli

Age: 25

Nicknames: The Brawn

Gender: Female

Birthday: May 3rd


Likes: Fighting, taking jobs, being with her friends, reading books

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Likes: Fighting, taking jobs, being with her friends, reading books

Dislikes: Being away from her friends, bandits, ghosts, frostbite spiders, the cold— (let's just move on, she hates a lot of things!)

Personality: To say Karli is a hothead is an understatement; her philosophy is "punch first, ask questions later." Of course, it's all a mask to hide how much of a big softie she is, especially around her husband. Even so, she still cares for anyone close with her.

Sexuality: Pansexual (Married to Vilkas)

Other: Karli was born in Hammerfell, raised on the sands of the mighty Alik'r desert, to an Alik'r warrior and his wife. She lived a harsh life, constantly on edge thanks to what had happened during the Great War.
When she came of age, Karli left home and was immediately accosted by cutthroats, and she nearly lost her eye as a result of that battle. It was this battle that made her decide she wanted to hone her skills and travel to Skyrim to become a mercenary for hire.
She stayed as a mercenary until she hit Whiterun, when she decided to join the Companions. There, she met Vilkas, and after a few months, the two were married.
Karli has no real allergies or illnesses, but she does suffer PTSD induced nightmares from nearly losing her eye.

Quotes: "What are you looking at, chump?" "Name's Karli. I was a mercenary, but now I'm a thief and a Companion." "Don't listen to Vilkas when he says I'm a softie. He's trying to ruin my reputation!"

Member of: Companions & Thieve's Guild

Theme Song:

My OCs Forms (Tweaking Some Things)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora